Mr.Dextar schrieb:Und was ist mit meinen Rudimenten?
ich find das so lustig wie da so konsequent wirklich gar kein bissel drauf eingegangen wird..
dabei haben die gläubigen doch dazu durchaus plausible*hust* theorien ^^
hab leider auf die schnelle nichts vergleichbares auf deutsch gefunden, sry:
The concept of vestigial organs as supporting evidence for evolution is opposed by creationists in the narrower sense of creationism that does not allow descent with modification or evolution by natural selection.
A common point of contention between creationists in this sense and evolutionists is the actual definition of vestigial. Creationists often define vestigial organs as having no purpose, whereas evolutionists view vestigial organs as those that have lost their primary function, but are not necessarily functionless (Bergman and Howe 1990).
(This contradiction is shown above, in the examples of the appendix and plica semilunaris.) Thus, based on these opposing definitions,
some creationists believe that there are no true vestigial organs,
because some function can be discerned and because God is considered to have had a specific plan and purpose for all the structures of living beings.
It is also argued that over 100 years ago, scientists made claims that certain structures, such as the tonsils, were vestigial, simply because medical science had not advanced to the point where the function of the tonsils could be well understood.
Today, the function of the tonsils in disease prevention has been identified, and creationists use this as further evidence in the case against vestigial organs (Oktar 2007).
Another common argument is that the observed similarity of structures between species essentially proves nothing. Creationists maintain that such structures, as observed, can indicate a repeated, effective model put in place by God in different species. They also point out that some organs, such as the appendix, are present in apes and humans, but not in the lower apes, and then appear again in even lower animals, such as opossums. Such gaps in the presumed chain of evolution (the gap being the lower apes) indicate evidence in their view of logical flaws in the theory of evolution, further showing that similar organs do not provide evidence of evolution, but instead creationism (Oktar 2007).