Götter des Hinduismus
20.09.2006 um 18:56Anhang: rs30723,1158771368,islam_hinduism.doc
wiest ihr das der gelernte hindu nicht an 30 millionen oder 20.000 oder4
goettern glaubt ,sondern an einen,Tahiri@ hat es wunderbar beschrieben, der hindusagt
zwar alles ist gottheit, wegendesen der monotonist sagt alles gehoert zu gott,das ist
der unterschied.
""Ich habe schon oftGanesha-Figuren
das sind heiligtuemer der hindus und nicht zuverschecken
da(respecktloss sowas), aber das machen die fremden europaer gern, nurweils ne mode
erscheinung ist
laut denn hinduismus wird man als hindu geboren mankann sicht nicht
einfach konventieren lassen.ich glaube kaum das du hindiustischerabstammung bist.
#Einmal, kaum aufgestellt, fiel die Figur sofort vom Tischund brach sich alle Arme.
Einmal, später am Abend, nach erfolgreicher Übergabe, musstedie Figur gesucht werden.
Sie war nicht an ihrem Platz geblieben, sondern fand sich imFlur, vor der Ausgangstür
wieder. Und einmal, also am nächsten Tag, lag sie mit derNase im Salat(Rest)...Ja, mit
Ganesha kann man viel erleben, besonders, wenn man gernefeiert. #
nach denn
hindus bist du verflucht,wenn eine ganesh statue kapputgeht bedeutet es fuer denn
jenigen das man einen gewaltsamen totes stirbt, undausserdem duefen nur brahmanen oder
hindus einer hoehren kaste sie zu hauseaufbewahren, dewegen werden in ganesch (war lezte
woche bei uns) auf der stasse inmobilen tempel aufbewahrt, und anschliesend nach ein
parr tagen ins meer oder flussgeworfen(und wehe denn der einfehler baut oder die statue
kapput geht,das bedeutetdann das eier von denn treagern sterben wird), selbst inder die
reich sind aber nichteiner hoehren kaste angehoeren werden es nicht wagen ihn zu hause
aufzubewahren..ichwunsch dir was..............auch wenns so exotisch kliengt.
intersesant fuer menschendie denn hinduismus nicht kennen.
hab denn ganzen text oben
The most popular amongst the Aryan
religion isHinduism
1.Common concept of God in Hinduism:
If you ask a common
Hindu thathow many Gods he believe in, some may say three some may say thirty three,
some maysay a thousand while some may say thirty three crore i.e. 330 millions. But if
you askthis question to a Hindu learned man who is well Versed with the Hindu
scriptures, hewill reply that the Hindu should actually believe and worship only one
2.Difference between Islam and Hinduism is ‘s’
(Everything is ‘God’s’-
everything is ‘God’):
The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim isthat
the common Hindu believes in philosophy of Pantheism i.e. everything is God, thetree is
God, the sun is God, the moon is God, the snake is God, the monkey is God, thehuman
being is God.
The Muslims believe that everything is God’s. God with andapostrophe
‘s’. Everything belongs to God, the tree belongs to God, the sun belongs toGod, the moon
belongs to God, monkey belongs to God, the human being belongs to God.
Thus the major
difference between the Hindus and the Muslims is the apostrophe‘s’. The Hindu says
everything is God. The Muslim says everything is God’s, God withan apostrophe ‘s’. If we
can solve the difference of the apostrophe ‘s’, the Hindusand the Muslims will be
The Holy Qur’an says, “Come to common terms asbetween us and you”, which is
the first term? “That we worship none but Allah”, solets come to common terms by
analyzing the scripture of the Hindus and the Muslim.
3.Bhagwad Geeta 7:20
most popular amongst all the Hindu scriptures is theBhagwad Geeta. Bhagwad Geeta
mentions in Chapter 7, Verse 20, “Those whoseintelligence has been stolen by material
desires worship demigods” that is “Those whoare materialistic, they worship demigods”
i.e. besides the true God.
Upanishad are also one of the sacred
scriptures of the Hindus.
a)(i) ChandogyaUpanishad, Chapter 6, Section 2, Verse 1
It is mentioned in the ChandogyaUpanishad, Prapathaka(Chapter) 6, Khanda(Section)2,
Shloka(Verse) “Ekam evaditiyam”,“He is one only without a second”.
The principal
Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan,page 447 and 448(sacred books of the east Volume 1 the
Upanishads, part I, page 93)
a)(ii) Similar to what is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an
in Surah Ikhlas, Chapter112, Verse 1, “Say he is Allah one and only”.
b) (i)
Svetasvatara Upanishad,Chapter 6, Verse 9
It is mentioned in the Svetasvatara
Upanishad, Adhyaya(Chapter)6, Shloka(Verse) 9, “Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah” “Of
him there is neitherparents nor lord”.
“na tasya kascit patir asti loke, na cesita
naiva ca tasyalingam, na karanam karanadhipadhipo na casya kascij janita na cadhipah”.
“Of himthere is no master in the world, no ruler, nor is there any mark of him. He
is thecause, the lord of the lords of the sense organs; of him there is neither
progenitornor lord”.
(The principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 745 and in
sacredbooks of the east Volume 15, the Upanishads, part II, page 263)
b) (ii)
Similarmessage is given in Holy Qur’an in Surah Ikhlas, Chapter 112, Verse 3,
begetsnot, nor is he begotten”.
c)(i) In Svetasvatara Upanishad, Chapter 4, Verse19
It is mentioned in Svetasvatara Upanishad, Adhyaya(Chapter) 4, Shloka(Verse)19,
“Na tasya pratima asti” “There is no likeness of him”.
“nainam urdhvamna
tiryancam na madhye na parijagrabhat na tasya pratima asti yasya nama mahad yasah”“There
is no likeness of him whose name is great glory”.
(The principal Upanishadby S.
Radhakrishnan page 736 & 737 and in sacred books of the east Volume 15, theUpanishad,
part II, page 253)
c)(ii) Similar message is given in the Holy Qur’anin Surah
Ikhlas, Chapter 112, Verse 4,
“And there is none like unto him”.
c) (iii) Surah
Shura, Chapter 42, Verse 11 and also in Surah Shura, Chapter 42, Verse 11,
“There is
nothing whatever like unto him”.
d)(i) In Svetasvatara Upanishad,Chapter 4, Verse 20
It is mentioned in Svetasvatara Upanishad, Adhyaya(Chapter) 4,Shloka(Verse) 20,
“na samdrse tishati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam”“his form cannot be
seen, no one sees him with the eye”
“nasamdrse tishati rupamasya, na caksusa pasyati
kas canainam. Hrda hrdistham manasa ya enam, evam viduramrtas te bhavanti”
“His form
is not to be seen; no one sees him with the eye.Those who through heart and mind know
him as abiding in the heart become immortal”.
(The principal Upanishad by S.
Radhakrishnan page 737 & in sacred books of theeast Volume 15, the Upanishad part II,
page 253)
e)(ii) Similar message is givenin the Holy Qur’an in Surah Anam, Chapter
6, Verse 103,
“Sages (learned Priest) call one God
by many names”
“They have styled (Him, Godor the sun) indra (the resplendent), mitra
(the surveyor), varuna (the venerable),agni (the adorable), and he is the celestial,
well-winged garutmat (the great), forlearned priests call one by many names as they
speak of the adorable as yama(ordainer) and matarisvan (cosmic breath)”.
b) (i)
Rigveda, Book 2, Hymn 1
Rigveda gives no less than 33 different attributes to
Almighty God several ofthese attributes are mentioned in Rigveda, Book 2, Hymn 1
(ii) Brahma - Creator- Khaliq, Rigveda Book 2, Hymn 1, Verse 3
Amongst the
various attributesgiven in Rigveda one of the beautiful attributes for Almighty God is
‘Brahma’.‘Brahma’ means ‘the creator’. If you translate into Arabic it means ‘Khaliq’.
WeMuslims have got no objection if you call Almighty God a ‘Khaliq’ or ‘Creator’or
‘Brahma’ but if someone says that ‘Brahma’ is Almighty God who has got 4 heads andon
each head is a crown and he has got 4 hands. We Muslims take strong except to itbecause
you are giving an image to Almighty God. Moreover you are going againstYajurveda,
Chapter 32, Verse 3, which says,
“Na tasya pratima asti” ‘”There is noimage of him”
b) (iii) Vishnu - Sustainer - Rabb: Rigveda, Book II, Hymn 1, Verse3
beautiful attribute mentioned in the Rigveda, Book II, Hymn 1, Verse 3,is Vishnu,
‘Vishnu’ means ‘the Sustainer’. If you translate into Arabic it means‘Rabb’, we Muslims
have no objection if anyone call Almighty God as ‘Rabb’ or‘Sustainer’ or ‘Vishnu’ but if
someone says Vishnu is Almighty God who has got 4 arms.One of the right arm holding the
‘Chakra’ i.e. a discus and one of the left armsholding a ‘Conch shell’ and he is riding
on a bird or reclining on a snake couch. WeMuslims take strong exception to this,
because you are giving an image to AlmightyGod. Moreover you are going against
Yajurveda, Chapter 40, Verse 8.
Therefore onlyif you read the Hindu Scripture will
you understand the correct concept of God inHinduism.
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wiest ihr das der gelernte hindu nicht an 30 millionen oder 20.000 oder4
goettern glaubt ,sondern an einen,Tahiri@ hat es wunderbar beschrieben, der hindusagt
zwar alles ist gottheit, wegendesen der monotonist sagt alles gehoert zu gott,das ist
der unterschied.
""Ich habe schon oftGanesha-Figuren
das sind heiligtuemer der hindus und nicht zuverschecken
da(respecktloss sowas), aber das machen die fremden europaer gern, nurweils ne mode
erscheinung ist
laut denn hinduismus wird man als hindu geboren mankann sicht nicht
einfach konventieren lassen.ich glaube kaum das du hindiustischerabstammung bist.
#Einmal, kaum aufgestellt, fiel die Figur sofort vom Tischund brach sich alle Arme.
Einmal, später am Abend, nach erfolgreicher Übergabe, musstedie Figur gesucht werden.
Sie war nicht an ihrem Platz geblieben, sondern fand sich imFlur, vor der Ausgangstür
wieder. Und einmal, also am nächsten Tag, lag sie mit derNase im Salat(Rest)...Ja, mit
Ganesha kann man viel erleben, besonders, wenn man gernefeiert. #
nach denn
hindus bist du verflucht,wenn eine ganesh statue kapputgeht bedeutet es fuer denn
jenigen das man einen gewaltsamen totes stirbt, undausserdem duefen nur brahmanen oder
hindus einer hoehren kaste sie zu hauseaufbewahren, dewegen werden in ganesch (war lezte
woche bei uns) auf der stasse inmobilen tempel aufbewahrt, und anschliesend nach ein
parr tagen ins meer oder flussgeworfen(und wehe denn der einfehler baut oder die statue
kapput geht,das bedeutetdann das eier von denn treagern sterben wird), selbst inder die
reich sind aber nichteiner hoehren kaste angehoeren werden es nicht wagen ihn zu hause
aufzubewahren..ichwunsch dir was..............auch wenns so exotisch kliengt.
intersesant fuer menschendie denn hinduismus nicht kennen.
hab denn ganzen text oben
The most popular amongst the Aryan
religion isHinduism
1.Common concept of God in Hinduism:
If you ask a common
Hindu thathow many Gods he believe in, some may say three some may say thirty three,
some maysay a thousand while some may say thirty three crore i.e. 330 millions. But if
you askthis question to a Hindu learned man who is well Versed with the Hindu
scriptures, hewill reply that the Hindu should actually believe and worship only one
2.Difference between Islam and Hinduism is ‘s’
(Everything is ‘God’s’-
everything is ‘God’):
The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim isthat
the common Hindu believes in philosophy of Pantheism i.e. everything is God, thetree is
God, the sun is God, the moon is God, the snake is God, the monkey is God, thehuman
being is God.
The Muslims believe that everything is God’s. God with andapostrophe
‘s’. Everything belongs to God, the tree belongs to God, the sun belongs toGod, the moon
belongs to God, monkey belongs to God, the human being belongs to God.
Thus the major
difference between the Hindus and the Muslims is the apostrophe‘s’. The Hindu says
everything is God. The Muslim says everything is God’s, God withan apostrophe ‘s’. If we
can solve the difference of the apostrophe ‘s’, the Hindusand the Muslims will be
The Holy Qur’an says, “Come to common terms asbetween us and you”, which is
the first term? “That we worship none but Allah”, solets come to common terms by
analyzing the scripture of the Hindus and the Muslim.
3.Bhagwad Geeta 7:20
most popular amongst all the Hindu scriptures is theBhagwad Geeta. Bhagwad Geeta
mentions in Chapter 7, Verse 20, “Those whoseintelligence has been stolen by material
desires worship demigods” that is “Those whoare materialistic, they worship demigods”
i.e. besides the true God.
Upanishad are also one of the sacred
scriptures of the Hindus.
a)(i) ChandogyaUpanishad, Chapter 6, Section 2, Verse 1
It is mentioned in the ChandogyaUpanishad, Prapathaka(Chapter) 6, Khanda(Section)2,
Shloka(Verse) “Ekam evaditiyam”,“He is one only without a second”.
The principal
Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan,page 447 and 448(sacred books of the east Volume 1 the
Upanishads, part I, page 93)
a)(ii) Similar to what is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an
in Surah Ikhlas, Chapter112, Verse 1, “Say he is Allah one and only”.
b) (i)
Svetasvatara Upanishad,Chapter 6, Verse 9
It is mentioned in the Svetasvatara
Upanishad, Adhyaya(Chapter)6, Shloka(Verse) 9, “Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah” “Of
him there is neitherparents nor lord”.
“na tasya kascit patir asti loke, na cesita
naiva ca tasyalingam, na karanam karanadhipadhipo na casya kascij janita na cadhipah”.
“Of himthere is no master in the world, no ruler, nor is there any mark of him. He
is thecause, the lord of the lords of the sense organs; of him there is neither
progenitornor lord”.
(The principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 745 and in
sacredbooks of the east Volume 15, the Upanishads, part II, page 263)
b) (ii)
Similarmessage is given in Holy Qur’an in Surah Ikhlas, Chapter 112, Verse 3,
begetsnot, nor is he begotten”.
c)(i) In Svetasvatara Upanishad, Chapter 4, Verse19
It is mentioned in Svetasvatara Upanishad, Adhyaya(Chapter) 4, Shloka(Verse)19,
“Na tasya pratima asti” “There is no likeness of him”.
“nainam urdhvamna
tiryancam na madhye na parijagrabhat na tasya pratima asti yasya nama mahad yasah”“There
is no likeness of him whose name is great glory”.
(The principal Upanishadby S.
Radhakrishnan page 736 & 737 and in sacred books of the east Volume 15, theUpanishad,
part II, page 253)
c)(ii) Similar message is given in the Holy Qur’anin Surah
Ikhlas, Chapter 112, Verse 4,
“And there is none like unto him”.
c) (iii) Surah
Shura, Chapter 42, Verse 11 and also in Surah Shura, Chapter 42, Verse 11,
“There is
nothing whatever like unto him”.
d)(i) In Svetasvatara Upanishad,Chapter 4, Verse 20
It is mentioned in Svetasvatara Upanishad, Adhyaya(Chapter) 4,Shloka(Verse) 20,
“na samdrse tishati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam”“his form cannot be
seen, no one sees him with the eye”
“nasamdrse tishati rupamasya, na caksusa pasyati
kas canainam. Hrda hrdistham manasa ya enam, evam viduramrtas te bhavanti”
“His form
is not to be seen; no one sees him with the eye.Those who through heart and mind know
him as abiding in the heart become immortal”.
(The principal Upanishad by S.
Radhakrishnan page 737 & in sacred books of theeast Volume 15, the Upanishad part II,
page 253)
e)(ii) Similar message is givenin the Holy Qur’an in Surah Anam, Chapter
6, Verse 103,
“Sages (learned Priest) call one God
by many names”
“They have styled (Him, Godor the sun) indra (the resplendent), mitra
(the surveyor), varuna (the venerable),agni (the adorable), and he is the celestial,
well-winged garutmat (the great), forlearned priests call one by many names as they
speak of the adorable as yama(ordainer) and matarisvan (cosmic breath)”.
b) (i)
Rigveda, Book 2, Hymn 1
Rigveda gives no less than 33 different attributes to
Almighty God several ofthese attributes are mentioned in Rigveda, Book 2, Hymn 1
(ii) Brahma - Creator- Khaliq, Rigveda Book 2, Hymn 1, Verse 3
Amongst the
various attributesgiven in Rigveda one of the beautiful attributes for Almighty God is
‘Brahma’.‘Brahma’ means ‘the creator’. If you translate into Arabic it means ‘Khaliq’.
WeMuslims have got no objection if you call Almighty God a ‘Khaliq’ or ‘Creator’or
‘Brahma’ but if someone says that ‘Brahma’ is Almighty God who has got 4 heads andon
each head is a crown and he has got 4 hands. We Muslims take strong except to itbecause
you are giving an image to Almighty God. Moreover you are going againstYajurveda,
Chapter 32, Verse 3, which says,
“Na tasya pratima asti” ‘”There is noimage of him”
b) (iii) Vishnu - Sustainer - Rabb: Rigveda, Book II, Hymn 1, Verse3
beautiful attribute mentioned in the Rigveda, Book II, Hymn 1, Verse 3,is Vishnu,
‘Vishnu’ means ‘the Sustainer’. If you translate into Arabic it means‘Rabb’, we Muslims
have no objection if anyone call Almighty God as ‘Rabb’ or‘Sustainer’ or ‘Vishnu’ but if
someone says Vishnu is Almighty God who has got 4 arms.One of the right arm holding the
‘Chakra’ i.e. a discus and one of the left armsholding a ‘Conch shell’ and he is riding
on a bird or reclining on a snake couch. WeMuslims take strong exception to this,
because you are giving an image to AlmightyGod. Moreover you are going against
Yajurveda, Chapter 40, Verse 8.
Therefore onlyif you read the Hindu Scripture will
you understand the correct concept of God inHinduism.
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