Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
18.01.2012 um 18:04Zabadani - das syrische Benghazi :)
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Bei einem Granaten-Angriff ist der französische Fernsehreporter Gilles Jacquier in Syrien ums Leben gekommen. Zwei Schweizer Journalisten, die den Angriff überlebten, sind überzeugt, das Regime habe ihnen eine Falle gestellt.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch.Sie wären ein guter Kapitalist und Demokrat in einer Demokratur . Das Vieh auf zwei Beinen,solche EU Bürger wie Sie, wird auch weiterhin an die Propaganda der UN glauben. Ich verteidige nicht das Assad-Regime, sondern ich will das alle Menschen mit gesundem Menschenverstand die UN zum Teufel jagenSpartacus schrieb:Hör auf hier falsche Propganda für die syrische Diktatur zu machen!!!
20 January 2012 / TODAY'S ZAMAN, ANKARAhttp://www.todayszaman.com/news-269092-.html (Archiv-Version vom 21.01.2012)
Four Iranian trucks were stopped two weeks ago in Turkey's Kilis province on the border with Syria and were found to be carrying raw materials used in the making of ballistic missiles, Turkish daily Taraf has reported.
Four trucks with Iranian license plates were intercepted by Turkish authorities two weeks ago at the Öncüpınar Border Gate in Kilis province, which lies to the north of Syria, a country to which Turkey has been blocking the delivery of arms shipments since pro-democracy protests turned bloody in the Arab country. .....
According to the daily, one of the trucks was carrying four six-meter-long cylindrical tanks and heat-resistant materials, while the other three were carrying 66 tons of sodium sulfate, all of which were on their way to Syria possibly to be used in the making of chemical missiles. ....
Turkey intercepted an arms shipment from Iran to Syria in August, and in March Turkish authorities seized the cargo of an Iranian plane bound for Syria because the shipment violated UN sanctions. Turkish media said the aircraft was carrying light weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket launchers and mortars.