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The world-fascists (Phase4)

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The world-fascists (Phase4)

06.04.2004 um 14:14

the world-fascists are
monotheistic.We stand for the world-monotheism.
We are for no doctrine but for the
monotheistic tradition.
We are anarchistic too and for a system of
councils.(anarchofascism and councilfascism).We don't want a
leader system.We don't want state(s).We want to create
the one religious ordo.
We are against racism and against antisemitism.
We are monotheistic we are against EVERY
seperation.(god the whole is the whole not the
God,the whole is central for the human being and its
Before and in God, all people are equal so man as woman.
We are against the capitalistic law it is godless and
evil.( positivism is evil).The world-fascists want a
new religious law.
Money is evil you can read it in the tora(old
testament) and you can see jesus in the temple.
The ordo is a monotheistic order not a polytheistic
one.God bless the human kind not only the "chosen" few.(that would be pretention).
So the world-fascists are for the World-Raich
(Weltreich) one ordo for all then we are
monotheistic.(its religious not a state)!
One law one human kind.
The human being has to live in the world-monastery!
The intercontinental childrenlandsending
(Kinderlandverschickung)has to be created.Every child
is the child of all.Family is a kind of seperation.We
are a community of believers in and for god.So no
family anymore.
The world-fascists don't want seperation they want the
community,the unity.They don't want private or state
ownership anymore they want the community ownership.
The separation between consumers and manufacturers has
to be abolished.So the seperation between the hand
work (blue-collar-work) and the work by mind (white
collar work)has to be abolished too.All people have to
do the dirty and heavy work together.
The machine for the distribution of the ressources
(Ressourcenverteilungsmaschine) has to be created.(by
satellites,internet,laptop,mobile-phone).All people can take
what they need("take points"), and all that is produced has to come into the machine.So you don't
have seperation (exchange or money) anymore.
The system is ultra-totalitarian because ALL people
can control all and everything.(Its not a state.State
can only exist if you have a lack/absence of
The world-fascists are against prisons so we have to
be for the death penalty (by guillotine).Other
penalties: arrested in the dwelling,sacral psychiatric
"special" monasteries).
Everybody "owns" a dwelling exact 42 m² (if so than for
all and everybody).

All children enter and live in the KKK (the
All children learn all subjects.(Engineering,medicin,farming,theology,law,for
example.No selection anymore!!!)Everybody can drive
the machines and learn to fly.

The problems of the left-wingers:

If you don't have state or money anymore what is the
bunch-connective?What can create the
consensus?It's the RELIGIO,the belief,the
conviction.This is the centre idea of ALL fascism.
If you don't have the state anymore you would have anomie
you need the RELIGIO.(And the world-fascist want the
equality so we are monotheistic.And we want no
state(s) so we need the religio more than the other
(anarchism is liberty and ordo without force.(see
I.Kant).Fascism is the form the form and the
force).The people who want liberty they always need
form.That don't understand the left-wingers.Communism
("COMMUNIS") is very religious is the supply/feed for
all. A lot of monasterie have this tradition.God is a
god of the living and for all.(communism without
religion(more exact world-fascism) a catastrophy!!)
The bunch/league with and in god is central.The FASCIO
is very important.
(So the world-fascists are for the
cooperatives/kibbuz,councils and for the fasci.)
What is with the law without state? You need
rules/law.It has to be a religous law and central
regulations!!(see above).World-fascists want to have an
industrial system.The production today is
transnational.(That would be good if were for
What to do if the class-fight don't work?That is the
question why Mussolini became fascist.(He was the
leader of the left-wing radicals before).It's the
revolution by the power (WILLE,GLAUBE),and the
force(GEWALT,STÄRKE).Originally mussolini wasn't
antisemitic or racistic.Hitler forced Italy 1938.

The problems of the right-wingers.

They are only partial and not total.The national-
fascists would be like total but they are national so
they are partial.They can only be for seperation.For
example: God bless the human kind not only a
"special" country.
The homelands of the world-fascism are all continents,
all planets,all universa, all dimensions!!And the
world-raich has to be created all over the world!!

A lot of fascists have an antisemitic tradition. It's
godless and evil and it's without aim.

The founder of the fascism Sorrel was very naive
because he thougt it would be a very good means for
the creation of revolution!!

Hitler was for the racistic and biologistic means.The
Nazis were for a deterministic system of
"thinking".It' was completly destructive and against
the human kind.It was a lack of totalitarism!!A lack
of power and believe!!
You need the critic of the value to understand the
processes of economy.(By Marx).That was another
failure by Sorrel.The fascists couldn't understand the
economic processes anymore.
Auschwitz must never happen again.Only by the
ultra-fascist world-community can this aim be reached.

The islam

God (Allah) is the whole the one.Historically the
sharia is a further developement of the talmud.The
world-fascist has to develop a new religous law.The
religious law (the new sharia) has to be created.The
people who want to seperate and want to exchange
are enemies of the human kind. Men and women are equal.

5 times in the day the people have to pray.It's a pray
in all eternity!!
Islam means acquiescence,decision.Everybody has to
fight for the belief.That's open for the monotheistic
traditions and for the fascism too.
The three books and all history and traditions in
their field.It's very important to say that
the family has to be destroyed.The pharisarians too.Only
God rules and never human beings!!In the world-fascim there
will be only a functional ruling.There will
not be personal(or feudal) ruling or the blind ruling of
the marketsystem anymore.
We need the umma as we need world-israel.

Quick FAQ:

Q: We are against the World Order that is in place.

A: The world-fascists want the new world
order. Ultra-imperialistic!!

Q: Are you anti-fascists?
A: if you mean the german anti-fascism!Yes.
-But you need fascism, it's more exact to say:
anti-racistic or against antisemitism or against
selection.Anti-Nazi okay.World-fascists are

Jesus didn't found a church called "christ".He was an
rabbi.Originally all the christs were jews!!

-World-fascists are in the tradition of the mystic
(kabbalah,suffi)and the
scholastic(Augustinus,Aquin,Fiore "teaching of the
third raich", Ekkehart ,for example.
-World-fascists don't want church as a kind of
hierarchy.Church is the community in and for

here is the phase4 the new ordo(the

http://www.opentheory.org/phase4/?=&mlist=a sc



http://www.wbenjamin.org/index.html (Archiv-Version vom 06.04.2004)

Sites about crisis of economy:


http://www.kollaps-kurier-phase-4.blogspot.com (Archiv-Version vom 01.06.2014)

Yours sincerely World Hail! Allah akbar


The world-fascists (Phase4)

06.04.2004 um 14:16


The world-fascists (Phase4)

06.04.2004 um 14:17
Was soll das jetzt sein???


The world-fascists (Phase4)

06.04.2004 um 14:20
ich denke mal, dass soll englisch sein....^^

Die Frage von Zeitreisen bleibt offen. Ich werde darauf jedoch keine Wette abschließen. Der andere könnte ja den unfairen Vorteil haben, die Zukunft zu kennen. (Stephen Hawking)


The world-fascists (Phase4)

06.04.2004 um 14:21
na so was aber auch ^^

wenn der tag nicht dein freund war, so war er dein lehrer


The world-fascists (Phase4)

06.04.2004 um 18:36
Kann sich mit den anderen Nazis hier in eine Ecke stellen und spielen;)

Sei vergnügt solange du am Leben bist...

Ptahotep (2400 v.Chr.)

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The world-fascists (Phase4)

08.04.2004 um 13:02
Ganz im Gegenteil,meine Lieben der Weltfaschismus ist die einzig konsequent antivölkische Bewegung die es gibt!! Nur damit kann eine Menschheit geschaffen werden!!


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