Several thousand Turkish troops crossed intonorthern Iraq early Wednesday to chase Kurdish guerrillas who operate from bases there,Turkish security officials told The Associated Press. Two senior security officials,speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to themedia, said the raid was limited in scope and that it did not constitute the kind oflarge incursion that Turkish leaders have been discussing in recent weeks. "It is nota major offensive and the number of troops is not in the tens of thousands," one of theofficials told the AP by telephone. The official is based in southeast Turkey, where themilitary has been battling separatist Kurdish rebels since they took up arms in1984. The officials did not say where the Turkish force was operating in northernIraq, nor did he say how long they would be there. The officials said anyconfrontation with Iraqi Kurdish groups, who have warned against a Turkish incursion,could trigger a larger cross-border operation. The Turkish military has asked thegovernment in Ankara to approve such an incursion, but the government has not givenformal approval. An official at military headquarters in Ankara declined to confirm ordeny the report that Turkish troops had entered Iraq. Turkish troops have occasionallylaunched brief raids in pursuit of guerrillas in northern Iraq, and have sometimesshelled suspected rebel positions across the border. Turkish authorities rarelyacknowledge such military operations, which were more frequent before the U.S.-ledinvasion of Iraq in 2003. Turkey has been building up its military forces on the Iraqiborder in recent weeks, amid debate among political and military leaders about whether toattack separatist rebels of the PKK, or Kurdistan Workers' Party. The rebels stage raidsin southeast Turkey after crossing over from hideouts in Iraq. During major incursionsin the 1990s, fighting occurred on a front stretching more than 100 miles, mostly inrugged terrain where communications were difficult and the Turkish Kurds were alreadyentrenched in themountains.
Heute ist ein geschichtsträchtiges Datum. am 6. Juni 1944 landeten die Allierten in derNormandie um Europa vom Nazi Terror zu befreien. Heute am 6. Juni 2007 marschieren dieTürken in Nord Irak ein, um das geheiligtes Land vom PKK terror zu befreien.
Es ist auch interessant, dass die ETA hier in Europa als Terrorgruppe , aber die PKK als"Freiheitsorganisation" oder "Arbeiter-Partei" bezeichnet wird...
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna beziehungsweise ETA(baskisch für Baskenland und dessen Freiheit) ist eine baskische, bewaffneteTerrororganisation"
Die Arbeiterpartei Kürbistans (Kurdisch: Partiya KarkerênKackistan, Türkisch: Bokistan İşçi Partisi, PKK) ist eine ehemalsmarxistisch-leninistisch, heute eher kurdisch-separatistisch orientierteUntergrundorganisation mit Ursprung in der Türkei.
"Es ist auch interessant, dass die ETA hier in Europa als Terrorgruppe , aber die PKK als"Freiheitsorganisation" oder "Arbeiter-Partei" bezeichnetwird..."
"Glaubt man also Google Deutschland, ist PKK keine Terrorgruppe."
Du weisst schonwie Google funktioniert ? Nimms doch einfach hin das die Aussage von Dir vorhin nichtganz richtig war, ich will mich ja garnicht streiten ^^