Barzani irakischer Präsident/Terroristenfreund/Halunk/.
26.11.2005 um 20:47und Unterdrücker
Hier mal eine paar links über den Irakischen Präsiedenten
Barzani ist ein Terroristenfreund
Barzani ist korrupt und streicht 2 Milliarden $ in seine eigenen Taschen ein.
Take the case of the Iraqi Kurds. Long championed as a model of liberalization, they are becoming a regional embarrassment. Rather than pursue democracy, the Iraqi Kurdish leadership is more consumed with self-enrichment.
While children died for lack of medicine, he built palaces and his family members bought real estate in Amman
Alle Quellen vom "American Enterprise Institute"
aus der Feder eines Mannes, der mit der Umstrukturierung des Pentagons beauftragt war. Und für das "Office of the Secretary of Defense" Berater für Irak und Iran Fragen war.
- die ganzen Wahlfäschungen
- "Regierung" eines Familien-Clans wie in Afrika.
usw usf.
hier über Korruption
und hier über Terrorismus
Corruption and nepotism are rife. No foreign businessman can strike a deal in his region without entering into partnership with Barzani or a favored relative. Human rights workers in Irbil say they have met Kurds imprisoned for failing to pay kickbacks. Across the region, the Barzani family conflates government, party, and personal property. Local militias uphold not the rule of law, but rather serve as Barzani's enforcers. The Kurdish Parliament, meanwhile, is flaccid; its power no greater than that of its Syrian or Libyan counterparts.
While children died for lack of medicine, he built palaces and his family members bought real estate in Amman.
Und hier etwas zu seinen Terrorherschaft
Wer Widerstand im Nord-Irak leistet, verschwindet in Gefängnissen.
wo sie gefoltert werden,00.html
Was haltet ihr davon das man eine solche persohn zum Irakischen Präsidenten ernennt?
Hier mal eine paar links über den Irakischen Präsiedenten
Barzani ist ein Terroristenfreund
Barzani ist korrupt und streicht 2 Milliarden $ in seine eigenen Taschen ein.
Take the case of the Iraqi Kurds. Long championed as a model of liberalization, they are becoming a regional embarrassment. Rather than pursue democracy, the Iraqi Kurdish leadership is more consumed with self-enrichment.
While children died for lack of medicine, he built palaces and his family members bought real estate in Amman
Alle Quellen vom "American Enterprise Institute"
aus der Feder eines Mannes, der mit der Umstrukturierung des Pentagons beauftragt war. Und für das "Office of the Secretary of Defense" Berater für Irak und Iran Fragen war.
- die ganzen Wahlfäschungen
- "Regierung" eines Familien-Clans wie in Afrika.
usw usf.
hier über Korruption
und hier über Terrorismus
Corruption and nepotism are rife. No foreign businessman can strike a deal in his region without entering into partnership with Barzani or a favored relative. Human rights workers in Irbil say they have met Kurds imprisoned for failing to pay kickbacks. Across the region, the Barzani family conflates government, party, and personal property. Local militias uphold not the rule of law, but rather serve as Barzani's enforcers. The Kurdish Parliament, meanwhile, is flaccid; its power no greater than that of its Syrian or Libyan counterparts.
While children died for lack of medicine, he built palaces and his family members bought real estate in Amman.
Und hier etwas zu seinen Terrorherschaft
Link deaktiviert (unerwünschte Quelle)
Wer Widerstand im Nord-Irak leistet, verschwindet in Gefängnissen.
wo sie gefoltert werden
Was haltet ihr davon das man eine solche persohn zum Irakischen Präsidenten ernennt?