Klar, es stehen Wahlen an in der Ukraine und da gilt es Wählerstimmen zu beeinflussen .
Die israelische Presse hatte da vor paar Wochen schon ne ganz interessante Sicht auf die Dinge
Similarly, should current president Petro Poroshenko lose his reelection bid in March 2019, core Kremlin narrative players Right Sector and the Azov movement threaten to overthrow the next government – again, as they say in laying claim to the 2014 revolution and suppression of anti-Ukrainian politics. Should poll-leader and lone female oligarch Yulia Tymoshenko win, far-right fighters say it all depends on how – if allied to pro-Russia parties, they would also revolt. Again.
There is little chance that the West would tolerate anti-democratic measures, like suspending elections to prevent a pro-Russian political revanche.
Pro-Russia parties and candidates have a combined public approval rating between 10-15%, which is low but still much higher than ruling coalition junior partner People’s Front, who do not even meet the statistical margin of error anymore. Some average Ukrainians are also uneasy about the role played by right-wing infiltrators in government ranks, who for more than five years now have been great fodder for Kremlin propaganda about Kyiv’s fascist junta.
In this ambiance, Ukraine is fighting an unwinnable war against predominant neighbor Russia, its soldiers don’t want to, and leaders say the only peace terms are humiliating compromises that surrender to Moscow everything Russia wants by conceding the same conditions that started the Ukraine crisis in the first place: Russian-language rights and local autonomy.
Truth is actually bizarrely close to Russia’s gleeful, fake news fiction: A diaspora-funded cabal of western Ukrainian anti-communists and crypto-fascists has been quietly plotting to take over the rest of Ukraine since independence in 1991.
https://m.jpost.com/Opinion/Ukraines-neo-Nazi-revolutionaries-might-be-part-of-a-Russian-plot-572704Die Frage stellt sich in der Tat was passiert wenn poroshenko, der keineswegs gute Arbeit abgeliefert hat , nicht wieder gewählt wird .
Russland versucht hier also unentschlossene Wähler auf Seiten der pro Russland Parteien zu ziehen . Ausserdem wäre ihnen ein wiedererstarken der Rechten Kräfte ganz recht um den Plot weiter spielen zu können .