Celebrity Mugshots---no MJ
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Celebrity Mugshots---no MJ
Postby anewfan » Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:37 am
On the TMZ website there is a section that includes 75 pictures of celebrities' mugshots. I looked through all 75 and noticed that M.J. is not on there. (Thank God) The reason I bring this up is because if TMZ is such an enemy to M.J. (as some posters on here are very adamant about) don't you think they would have taken pleasure in including his mugshot on there? But instead, they leave his off....and you KNOW they didn't just forget about him...given all the numerous stories on him. I still believe they are working for MJ...not against him. Also, Harvey is still MIA for the 2nd week in a row. We can only hope he's off somewhere helping MJ prepare for the Big Bam! :shock:
On a side note....I wonder what kind of "news" will come out tomorrow? Tomorrow is the anniversary of the death of Marilyn Monroe.
Here is the link to the mugshots if you want to take a look yourself.
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Joined: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:26 am
Das habe ich gerade bei Twitter gefunden. Es ist ganz neu und aus einem MJ Death Forum. Es geht darum, dass TMZ Polizeifotos von Promis veröffentlicht hat und MJ nicht dabei war. Der Schreiber schließt daraus, dass sie für Michael arbeiten und nicht gegen ihn. Und Harvey wäre in der zweiten Woche irgendwo (versteh nicht ganz), und der Schreiber hofft, es wäre um Michaels BAM vorzubereiten.