obskur schrieb:Was die twittereinträge angeht, alles nur Stimmungsmache, die Expertenmeinungen sprechen allesamt eine andere Sprache.
Uncle Arnold scheint ein bißchen verblendet zu sein und es an dem entsprechendem Taktgefühl gegenüber Reevas Eltern vermissen zu lassen. Starkes Stück einen Staatsanwalt oder die trauernden Eltern, die Gerechtigkeit wollen, als "Evil" zu bezeichen, während der grösste Lügner und Heuchler auf der Anklagebank sitzt.
Laut Experten, das ist tatsächlich so, dass Gerrie Nel überzeugender war . Ich hatte mir auch aus obigen links alle legal experst anhören und neue Perspektiven gewinnen können. Während Roux viel Theatralik an den Stellen zeigte, wo er Oscar sowieso nicht raushauen kann, blieb Gerrie Nel ruhig und konkret bei den Kernpunkten, auf die sich der Fall konzentriert.
Roux hat viel zu viel Energie verschwendet, was z. B. das Tampering des Tatortes betraf und es versäumt stattdessen diese viel zu gross aufgebauschte Unterstellung mit Beweisen zu erhärten. Hier hätte er durch Befragungen von van Rendsburg und auch Botha explizit dazu seinen Behauptungen mehr Gewicht verleihen können. Was er aber nicht tat. So hatte Gerrie Nel dann auch noch die Möglichkeit, das Missverständnis um das Kabel ( um dessen Länge es nirgendwo ging ) aufzuklären und seine Version durch die Forensik ( fortlaufende Blutspuren auf Duvet und Boden ) zu bekräftigen.
Roux hielt sich auch viel zu lange, nebst unsäglichem Lobgepreise von Prof. Derman, mit den Hörzeugen auf und dass diese nur Oscars Stimme gehört haben können. Hat es aber nicht für nötig befunden die vorher angesagten Tests, dass Oscar wie ein Mädchen schreit, dem Gericht vorzulegen....und wurde darüber hinaus ja auch von den eigenen Zeugen ( und Samantha Taylor) widerlegt, die männliche Rufe vernommen haben. Aus Dr. Stipps Notizen kramt er sich dann die Uhrzeit 3:12 heraus, während er sonst sie ganze übrige Aussage als unzuverlässig verkaufen will. Die Rosinen kann man sich aber nicht aus ein- und derselben Aussage heraussuchen. Keine Ahnung, wie er sich das vorstellt, denn die Uhren aller Nachbarn sind ganz sicher nicht synchron gelaufen. ;-)
Wohl auch etwas zu weit aus dem Fenster gelehnt Dr.Stipp des Meineids zu bezichtigen, dass dieser seine Aussage der Version des Staats angepasst haben soll. Welches Motiv sollte er haben und warum dann andererseits auch im Sinne Oscars aussagen? Das war "schwach" und hat der Richterin gar nicht gefallen.
Es ist wohl beiden Seiten nicht gelungen eine exakte timeline zu konstruieren, doch um die Cricketschlägerschläge muss sich Gerrie Nel gar nicht kümmern, weil die Anklage nur von 4 Schüssen ausgeht und die anderen bangs, mehr oder weniger, vernachlässigen kann.
Alles viel heisse Luft nur um noch etwas Zweifel zu schüren und sich sich darum zu drücken, warum Oscar nicht wie eine Person "beyond reasonable doubt" gehandelt haben kann.
It also wasn't reasonable because he could have escaped, but chose to confront the danger instead.
It also wasn't reasonable because as an experienced, licensed gun owner, he knew shooting an an unseen/unidentified target is illegal.
It also wasn't reasonable because even without ear witnesses, the pathologist confirmed that Reeva would have screamed after being hit in the hip with the first shot indicating to OP it was mistaken identity, or at the very least there was no more imminent threat since he incapacitated the intruder, but he changed his aim and fired again...and again...and again.
It also wasn't reasonable because he was composed and thinking clearly enough to approach the bathroom cautiously, looking around corners, holding his gun in a manner that an intruder couldn't grab it, didn't fire a warning shot because of the ricochet, but then became a fumbling fool who pulled the trigger without thinking because he was startled. He was awfully cool and collected right up until the moment he suddenly "didn't have time to think," and the shots just fired out of his gun like an involuntary knee-jerk reaction.
Totally and completely unreasonable.
Hier sollten Dr. Vorster, Prof. Derman und Dr. Scholz die Furcht- und Panikthese wohl unterstützen, haben sich aber am Ende gegenseitig widersprochen, so wie es auch Dr. Scholz und der Rest des Psychiaterteams getan haben.
Dazu, dass sich die Verteidigung ausserdem auf 2 Strategien verlässt und keine klare Linie vorweist, hat Nel ja bereits folgendes gesagt:
"they are trying to sit on 2 chairs at once, the defences are not just mutually exclusive but mutually destructive."
Zu einem doch sehr späten Zeitpunkt (!) wird dann auch noch der Vorfall im Tasha zu einem guilty erklärt, was man definitiv als Eigentor sehen kann, denn somit hat er Oscar der Falschaussage überführt.
Roux diminishes his credibility by saying only that. Negligence is the least of it. There is no reasonable possibility that the gun went off by itself at Tasha's. So reasonable doubt is out the window with respect to this incident. OP pulled the trigger. Period. Therefore OP is baldfacedly lying about this incident. Nel did not cause OP to lie this way. OP masterminded this on his own. OP thereby demonstrated callous disrespect for the court and its proceedings: I can get up here on the stand and say white is black, the sun sets in the east, and Glocks with their three-step safety mechanisms go off by themselves. I can get up here and say anything I want. Who is this judge and these small people compared with me? Does anyone think Masipa will ignore this massive snubbing of the court? OP's fraudulent posture here is a stench that no doubt spreads to the other charges. If he engages in this easy bewildering lying on this slam-dunk charge against him, what is anyone with a functioning brain supposed to think about his credibility on the other charges?
It kind of blew my mind that Roux stood up there saying that his client was taking full responsibility for the Tasha's incident. He said to the judge that OP was fully admitting his GUILT. And I am scratching my head, because when OP was questioned on the stand, under oath, HE DENIED any responsibility and accused the others of lying and setting him up, and said he accidentally shot but wasn't his fault because his friend handed it over wrong.
Nächste Lüge!
Illegal possession of ammunition
The Firearms Control Act doesn’t specify in whose safe it has to be stored. If OP obtained written permission from his father, the owner of the firearm who obviously had the ammunition, authorizing OP to store his ammunition in his safe, that doesn’t suffice. This authorization has to be endorsed by a designated firearms officer (from the local police station in his area) to the effect that “Yes, Mr Pistorius senior is entitled to store his ammunition in OP’s safe”. If OP had permission (a certificate) from the local policeman who is assigned to firearms in that area, he would have produced it. Without that certificate, he’s in contravention of the Firearms Act and is guilty. If you are in possession, you are guilty.
The mens rea necessary for possession of the ammunition: Is it intention? You’ve got to know that you’re storing of the ammunition is unlawful or is it merely negligence. Where the mens rea is negligence only, that’s called strict liability where the law is holding you strictly liable. If you’re found in possession, you’re guilty.
Even on the best case scenario for the defence you are saying the intention, has to be intention, you could easily argue that OP being a trained person who has passed the firearm competency test, must have known the law and must have known that his possession was in violation of the law. He had no permit for that so he would fail on that ground as well.
My argument, as prosecutor: My Lady, everyone has doubts. But the kind of doubts you would have to have here, and the facts that Oscar would have you believe, are downright preposterous, if not downright ridiculous. You would have to believe:
For these reasons, and more, the only picture that can be painted is that Oscar Pistorius is a liar. He had a fight with his girlfriend, she packed up, was fearfull for her life, ran into the bathroom. He couldn't get the door open, so instead, he just shot through it. He fired deliberate shots 4 times to make sure you hit her and that she was no longer screaming. That's the only story that is consistent with the facts of the case. Everything else, is about avoiding responsibility for his actions, and using fanciful lies to try to fit a square peg into a round hole. The Blade Runner did not retire a human by mistake. He deliberately killed her.