Der Prozess Oscar Pistorius und der Tod von Reeva Steenkamp
03.07.2014 um 10:56Jetzt kommt Nel! Go Go Go :D
Nel: What was your brief Derman: My brief was to deal with OP in that I've looked after him for 6 yrs and detail observationsSchon hat er ihn geknackt.
Debora Patta @Debora_Patta · 56 Sek.
#OscarTrial Nel - so isn't that a character witness Derman say he is here as an expert due to work in physiology and sports science
Nel challenging Derman’s role as an expert witness, suggesting he is too close to the accused. BB
Nel: Have you ever given evidence in a criminal matter - NO - so your expertise has never been applied in a criminal field
Derman has not used his expertise in criminal field
Nel: But as an expert you are supposed to be objective and yet that could go against your clients interests