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Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

118 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Musik, Spirituelle, Unaussprechliche ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

05.12.2015 um 19:13
Du kennst dich ja so gut mit Hebräisch aus, wie mir scheint.

Anmerkung 'e' ist das stumme e ausgesprochen wie das e bei hatte.

b'e'chol äräw schabat ba'im schnej mal'achim im kol j'e'hudi mibejt haknässät habajta.ächad mal'ach tow w'e'haschäni mal'ach ra. im baba'it haschulachan aruch w'e'hanärot dolkim, omär hamal'ach hatow: "gam bschabat hababat haba'a
jhjä kach. w'e'hamal'ach hara, gam im ejno maskim, zarich lomar "äman". awal im baba'it haschulachan ejno aruch w'e'hanärot ejnam dolkim, omär hamal'ach hara: gam baschabat haba'a jhjä kach. w'e'hamal'ach hatow, gam im ejno rozä, zarich lomar "ämän".

al lo dawar biluj na'im! :merle:


Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

21.12.2015 um 08:35
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Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

07.02.2016 um 22:22
Why Don't Bees Go to Heaven? - Creationism explai…: (Video: Why Don't Bees Go to Heaven? - Creationism explained - Save the Enlightenment)


Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

27.04.2016 um 23:43
Youtube: Nightwish  "The Phantom Of The Opera" with lyrics
Nightwish "The Phantom Of The Opera" with lyrics
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Tarja Turunen - magic woman


Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

11.05.2016 um 23:10
Man braucht keine Worte um Leben zu beschreiben. Es gibt ein Track, das beschreibt einfach ALLES. Es ist einfach ein Meisterwerk und wird immer eins bleiben. Das Lied ist Leben :)

Youtube: Tom Day - Who We Want To Be
Tom Day - Who We Want To Be
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Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

13.09.2016 um 19:35

dedux ehemaliges Mitglied

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Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

24.10.2016 um 22:47
This holy reality, this holy experience
Choosing to be here in...
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in...
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion (Video: Tool - Parabola A4=432Hz)

I embrace my desire to, I embrace my desire to
feel the rhythm, to feel connected
enough to step aside and weep like a widow
to feel inspired, to fathom the power,
to witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain,
to swing on the spiral, to swing on the spiral,
to swing on the spiral of our divinity and still be a human.

So crucify the ego, before it's far too late
To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical,
And you will come to find that we are all one mind
Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable.
Just let the light touch you
And let the words spill through
And let them pass right through
Bringing out our hope and reason...
before we pine away. (Video: Tool - Reflection A4=432Hz)


Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

25.10.2016 um 19:41
Youtube: ATMA - Red Alert on Planet Earth lyrics
ATMA - Red Alert on Planet Earth lyrics
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I'm Struggling to maintain sanity on this planet, getting mad dizzy from repetitious laws and patterns, even thoughts I gather from my own memory keep setting me to relive a dead past and mask my true entity in illusory energies, keep binding me and blinding me, its time to tell the Maya get yey behind me, you've always been a liar, the divine lies inside me to do Gods will or be a slave to the devil.
So what do I seek here? The worlds not my resting place, a testing space in time to refine the mind, Ill find the divine within once perfected Ill ascend 'till then Im trapped in endless samsara, reincarnation, Ill ?? the souls travel through millions of species of life, I got the human form, born to meet the light, I got some foresight from the source of all might! I been sleeping way too long, many lifetimes, how many times will I come back to this subconscious nightmare? If Im half aware I control the sphere. Armageddons within every atom, dream consciousness, NARAYAN, neglective ignorance is devouring our Earth, control the sphere here or you take another birth.

Red alert on planet Earth,ring the alarm for all the unevolved souls walking dead, dragging corpses through the desolate desert of fake shit, the faketrix, a fools paradise, only your mind creates it. (x2)

In a multiverse of paradox existence, its axiomatic to the conscious awareness. Delusion of the mind, illusion of the senses to neutralize the impulses probe the subconscious. The connotation of words implies a hidden meaning, not appearing to everyone esoterically speaking, only those enlightened, seeking the inner meaning, shall expand to understand that which is ever deepening. Psychonuclear energy and cerebral spinal beings awaking the soul to the all knowing, all pervading, contemplating self in its self, no waning. Concentrating on the strain, no more wavering. The truth is seen by the subtle seer, through the sharpest of the intellect being freed from the jaws of death, its like a walk on the razors edge like all sages have said. OM NAMO NARAYANA OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE

Red alert on planet Earth,ring the alarm for all the unevolved souls walking dead, dragging corpses through the desolate desert of fake shit, the faketrix, a fools paradise, only your mind creates it. (x2)

Devanagari script from the cities of the Gods at the higher vibratory frequencies reaching the source, celestial beings, archangels and demigods, the eternal spiritual bodies dont have any flaws, they have many arms that swing looking like wings as they fly through the spiritual sky, pretty high, liberated from the atomic energy, from the maddening maggot world. The living entity, the soul roams freely, planes of no anxiety, from earthly piety re-birth in a society of vaikuntha, planets of anti-matter, enter the ADIPURUSA, KRSNAS TU BHAGAVAN SVAYAM. The primal one full with 6 opulences ?? and is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss, my only solice is this, Parambrahma exists, GOVINDAM ADI PURUSAM TAM AHAM BHAJAMI.I'm not speaking in tongues, the original tongue before Kemet, before Hebrew, before Hebrew, before Jesus and Moses splittin the seas two, not to mislead you, MY GURU SAID TO FEED YOU

Youtube: ATMA - Eternal boundlessness lyrics
ATMA - Eternal boundlessness lyrics
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Youtube: Genelec & Memphis Reigns - Sunwheel (with lyrics)
Genelec & Memphis Reigns - Sunwheel (with lyrics)
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Spiritual Music - die Vermittlung des Unaussprechlichen

28.10.2016 um 17:11 (Video: Cro-Mags - Kali Yuga)

Ancient reminders of worlds gone by,
concrete tombstones reach for the sky,
like hieroglyphic writings on the wall,
modern man just doesn't seem to hear his call,
force of times behind the changes bound to come,
primitive man was once forced to succumb,
both caught in a web of eternal quest,
wiped out by their search for conquest,
taken back to a land of wonder and of fear,
prehistoric creatures stalked the wild frontier,
all can be told in unlocking of the past,
cyclical repetition ah we see the contrast,
skeletons in a closet as dark as the mind,
hidden truths there shine light for the blind,
somewhere back in time when cave dwellers walked,
was a spoken language that needed not be talked,
extinction found the way to man of yesterday,
only to occurr in tragedies today,
lost innocence in the maze of confusion,
sets the final stage for this drama of illusion,
simplicity's dig to unfold great mysteries,
as we plunge forward engulfed by our destinies,
what will future man uncover in our ruin,
Kali-Yuga progresses wheels of time are spun,
technological society buried by ignorance,
fossils for decay victims of circumstances

Youtube: Cr7z - Kali Yuga
Cr7z - Kali Yuga
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