die forumposts hier sind interessant:
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=226691 insbesondere dieser hier (ich zitiere):
I noticed on the first link that there was a mention that his friend who's helping him with the film footage goes by the name Dario. Not an extremely uncommon name, but it immediately brought to mind Dario Argento. First thought was that it was a shout-out/tribute to him. Most horror fans adore the work of Argento, therefore, it would make sense that an independent film would include his name and many of the elements we see on the site. The build-up of mystery. *cues music* :::dun dun dun:: I noticed also when I went to the first video you posted that comments have been disabled. On the only other video posted by this user, there are comments - one in particular mentions Dario Argento. So, it appears I'm not the only one thinking along the same lines. I like found footage films if they are well-made. It'll be interesting to see what comes of this, and yes, I'll be on that site on the 12th to see the film.
der user "Apparition" zieht hier parallelen zu horrorfilmen von dario argento.
könnte sein, dass "the bitterroot footage" eine art fanprojekt ist.
Wikipedia: Dario Argentodann gibts noch leute denen aufgefallen ist, dass du die website von bitterroot hier und da liken kannst und sich der aufwand nicht lohnen würde, wenn damit kein geld verdient werden würde.
also mal schaun