Spiritbox - Stimmen aus dem Jenseits hören
28.06.2014 um 19:26Hier ist die Funktionsweise erklärt:
By using a repetitive scan of AM radio channels, a combination of broadcasts and static noise will occur. This is similar to turning the radio dial on your car stereo system quickly. What will be heard, are a combination of stations broadcasting music, commercials, news, talk shows, and some static noise. These ongoing broadcasts communicate names, places, times, dates, and numbers, and other wordings. When the Ghost Box is used, typical questions are asked, such as, “What is your name?” or “Where are you from?” or “How did you die?” and so on. As the Ghost Box scans through these AM channels it will produce jumbled names, places, and numbers etc. that are commonly broadcast. This is not even “white noise” from which the so-called spirits of the dead or extraterrestrial intelligences speak through. It is merely the broadcasted signals providing the words as they are quickly scanned.Auf Deutsch: Das Mittelwellenband wird extrem schnell gescannt (wie wenn man am Radio den Sendersuchknopf mit Turbogeschwindigkeit dreht), damit hört man zumeist weißes Rauschen, aber einzelne Wortfetzen von Radiostationen werden wiedergegeben und als Geisterstimmen interpretiert.