Immer wieder schön: "Unser Lied" aus der Zeit, als meine Ehefrau und ich noch eine Fernbeziehung führten und zwischen Norddeutschland und Irland pendelten:

This Flight Tonight
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Ich habe bewusst eine Version ohne Musiker gewählt - auch wenn die Connie zu der Zeit natürlich schon lange ausgemustert war. Ja, und ich weiss auch, dass der Song im Original von der von mir hoch geschätzten Joni Mitchell (1970) stammt - aber die Nazareth-Variante geht besser los.
This Flight Tonight
by Joni Mitchell Printer-friendly version of this lyric
Look out the left, the captain said
The lights down there that's where we'll land
I saw a falling star burn up
Above the Las Vegas sands
It wasn't the one that you gave to me
That night down south between the trailers
Not the early one
That you can wish upon
Not the northern one
That guides in the sailors
Oh starlight, star bright
You've got the lovin' that I like all right
Turn this crazy bird around
I shouldn't have got on this flight tonight
You got the touch so gentle and sweet
But you've got that look so critical
Now I can't talk to you baby
I get so weak
Sometimes I think love is just mythical
Up there's a heaven
Down there's a town
Blackness everywhere and little lights shine
Oh blackness blackness dragging me down
Come on light the candle in this poor heart of mine
Oh starlight, star bright
You've got the lovin' that I like all right
Turn this crazy bird around
I shouldn't hove got on this flight tonight
I'm drinking sweet champagne
Got the headphones up high
Can't numb you out
Can't drum you out of my mind
They're playing Goodbye baby, Baby Goodbye
Ooh ooh love is blind
Up go the flaps down go the wheels
I hope you got your heat turned on baby
I hope they finally fixed your automobile
I hope it's better when we meet again baby
Starlight, star bright
You got the lovin' that I like all right
Turn this crazy bird around
I shouldn't have got on this flight tonight
© 1970; Joni Mitchell