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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
05.01.2018 um 13:21Falls das Gericht einen aktuellen Bezug dazu braucht, kann es immer noch auf
6th Keshe Foundation Health Workshop
Und kurz darauf bestätigt er explitzit den Betrug in Belgien betrieben zu haben.
"MK: In a way, even if you suffer from old age disease you can recuperate. You don’t need to die in pain. You can die a good life with the support of the technology, with a support of a small system that you don’t suffer because you got old. Old age should be in 2-300 years, not in 40 or 50s and bent back. The technology has the knowledge, we have the knowledge, we’ve done it before in Belgium. Even if you are bent and you cannot even stand up, we can make you to walk straight and up, die and live a decent life."
Tja, schaut schlecht aus für Keshe am Mittwoch!
6th Keshe Foundation Health Workshop

6th Keshe Foundation Health Workshop The Lung
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ab 3:06.00 schauen, da lässt Keshe diese Liste der 40 Heilungsversprechen vorlesen und er sagt, "MK: So, we cure 40 and aid in curing of those, and more we look at. Through simple systems that we developed, we bring all to the same."Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.
Und kurz darauf bestätigt er explitzit den Betrug in Belgien betrieben zu haben.
"MK: In a way, even if you suffer from old age disease you can recuperate. You don’t need to die in pain. You can die a good life with the support of the technology, with a support of a small system that you don’t suffer because you got old. Old age should be in 2-300 years, not in 40 or 50s and bent back. The technology has the knowledge, we have the knowledge, we’ve done it before in Belgium. Even if you are bent and you cannot even stand up, we can make you to walk straight and up, die and live a decent life."
Tja, schaut schlecht aus für Keshe am Mittwoch!