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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.07.2015 um 15:52


In a recent livestream "teaching" workshop, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, found it important to attack me for stealing plasma technology and blamed me to be unethical. You can see this attack on Youtube: 68th Knowledge Seekers Workshop (Day 3) July 6 2015 AM
68th Knowledge Seekers Workshop (Day 3) July 6 2015 AM
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, in the first 15 minutes. Mr. Keshe forces me to give an honest and clear reply. So I will open HIS book, maybe sometimes in a cynical and sarcastic way, yes, but Keshe - in his almighty - begs for that, ... and there is stuff enough in the saga of Mehran Tavakoli Keshe.
I will take my time to give responses on this facebook channel, in several posts.
KESHE THE MESSIAH! Hallelujah! QUOTE: "You prayed thousands of years for me, here I stand for you!" LOL.
(1) My first concern is that Mr. Keshe calls himself the Messiah, and he believes that his self-claimed divine origin gives him the freehand to distribute a lot of BS and even serious lies, and his paranoia and schizophrenia pushes him to blame others when it goes not in the way he wants and hopes. What about his accusation of a murder attempt by John, where the poisoning by John was probably caused in a restaurant by rotten fish or bad shrimps. The same way Keshe accused Eliya Kostova and myself in Bari to be active secret service agents to be present in Bari to kill key members of the Keshe Foundation. He told Armen and Soheil: "Watch out Eliya and Dirk are active agents of the Bulgarian secret service and Belgian secret service, which have the mission to kill top people of the Keshe Foundation.". Our problem was however that we forget our bullets home, ... so we failed in our mission ... nobody was harmed.
The Messiah delusion of Mehran Tavakoli Keshe makes that he forgot the initial mission of the Keshe Foundation, like it is printed on the backside of every book: " The Keshe Foundation is an independent non-profit and a NON-RELIGIOUS organization ... ".
If I would have known at the start that Keshe had the intention to create a RELIGIOUS organization were he was the super representative of GOD, the new Iman Madhi, than I would have NEVER helped Keshe with my unlimited support (I helped in writing and illustrating the books, writing the patent applications, creating the KF logo, making the first videos, making the first website(s), traveling through Europe and USA, negotiating with potential investors, writing business plans, paying for the first URL's, paying his personal telephone bills, ... etc).
Where Keshe hopes that his "millions" (sic) of followers will believe him just on his superior proclamations, and public workshop teachings. These public teachings consist for 80% of old repeating jokes, charming gestures and glamour smiles like movie celebrities provide, clownish behavior and some storytelling ... about his great adventures in his previous business life where he met all presidents and kings of all countries, and only about 20 % of the public teachings are about his ideas about plasma. When you listen to these stories you understand immediately that Keshe is the King of Kings, the only real power in Earth.
In his storytelling 5 million Euro become 50,000,000 Euro, so the numbers inflate by the minute or the audience. In example: recently Keshe spoke about the closure of Opel Antwerp. His story: The german government was prepared to give 500,000,000 Euro and Austrian-Canadian car manufacture Magna also 500,000,000 million. But what was the reality? In reality the Flemish government was going to reserve 500,000,000 Euro for possible help to the workers, and Keshe Foundation could get a part of that, under certain conditions.
During these "teachings" Keshe explains developments which are done by others, but claims he is the real initiator. Yes it's all the product of his superior almighty divine mind. In example Keshe will says: "Before Armen went to China "I" explained Armen how to build the water-collecting unit", where in reality Armen did the original development/discovery (by chance). Keshe claims he is the original source of everything, and claims he has powers that goes far behind your imagination.
Due to his messiah complex Keshe believes he has Almighty knowledge in all issues being ... your length of hair, the color of your eyes, till the size of your feet or other body parts. Keshe has a direct link to your brain, even to the brains of 7 billion humans. Symptomatic was his message during one of the workshops to the world leaders: " Don't forget I am your creator, at my wish, I can end your life". This is typically a sign of "Grandiose delusions". Wikipedia: Grandiose delusions .
Mehran Tavakoli Keshe LOVES to speak and teach about 'Ethics" and the ethos of the Keshe foundation. Don't steal, don't lie, be honest, ... Yes! That sounds very good. Indeed. But Mehran Tavakoli Keshe should follow himself personally those ethics. He should pay his debts to former friends, which lend him cumulative money, passing today more than 45,000 Euro, since 4 years open. Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, the new perfect Messiah, should compensate his landlord (house rent in TIegem- belgium) after years of non-payment. Thus Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, the glorious real Son of God, must understand that debts should be paid in the correct way.
Next to that promises need to be kept. Like Keshe promised me personally a number of "things" (business participations, similar like he gave to Soheil in China). However some years later he "reviewed" his promises: "No, it was not worldwide, it was only for Belgium". It seems that braking promises is the divine right of a Messiah! Hallelujah!
to be continued ... next post will be about patents.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.07.2015 um 16:16
NOCH EIN BEITRAG VON DIRK (HABEN IHN SCHON GELÖSCHT) - https://www.facebook.com/groups/416128581784294/permalink/927947480602399/?hc_location=ufi

Dirk Laureyssens
2 hrs · Edited
i am touched by several posts about the positive aspects the plasma technology of Mehran Keshe may bring to the Humanity. Of course I was always convinced that we need a technology that liberates mankind from it's economic and political chain of slavery and dependency. I have a holistic mind of fundamental unity. That is why I helped Keshe in writing the three books, his patents, etc. I think nobody will dare to say that I had any bad intention about his theoretical concepts, which I helped to illustrate and spread. However Keshe calls me a wolf that came in sheep cloths. I am surprised he didn't call me yet, a pedophile, because that is a word he likes to use during his "teachings" often, imo far too often.
Further I think the open-source approach keshe brought about a collective development and experimenting is really fantastic. Several hundreds of enthusiasts do experiments at home, mostly motivated to help finding new solutions to solve problems humanity has for ages.
On the other hand we must ask ourselves if such experiments with new materials like Gans, and with Magrav fields may bring the home experimenters in some unknown danger? I remind you of Madam Marie Curie which experimented with radioactive isotopes, her research leading to the discovery of the X-rays. Wikipedia: Marie Curie. But Curie died in 1934, aged 66, at a sanatorium in Sancellemoz (Haute-Savoie), France, due to aplastic anemia brought on by exposure to radiation while carrying test tubes of radium in her pockets during research, and in the course of her service in World War I mobile X-ray units that she had set up.
So, there might be a need for some precaution? Keshe may say that plasma fields are not dangerous, will not harm you, but does Keshe knows for sure? Keshe teaches that the proton power in plasma is thousand times more stronger than electron power with it's electromagnetic radiation.
In my humble opinion the same prudence should be applied when experimental prototypes are offered for sale to the public, without official safety certification. Keshe offers such devices faster than a hurricane can blow the wind, and they will carry "Keshe Foundation Certificates". Is Keshe sure that these prototypes, in their working, will not radiate harmful fields which might destroy human cells? So is my call for prudence unethical?
In the past I always was involved with legal matters in Keshe Foundation. It must be clear that the Keshe Foundation is not above the human law, neither is Keshe himself. Thus now I am very concerned about the safety certificates related to prototypes of reactors (called: Magrav-Power systems) recently offered to the public on the Keshe Foundation website. Keshe Foundation Certificates have no legal value at all. http://www.keshefoundation.org/shop/kf-products
Worldwide international safety regulations exist, stating that all electrical devices must be pre-tested by officially recognized testing organizations and agencies before they are put on the consumer market. Only If an electrical device complies with the legal safety regulation, only then, such certified products may be sold on the consumer market, or even imported. This is a public healthy matter, introduced to protect consumers against possible health hazards and technical risks.
Electrical safety testing is essential to ensure safe operating standards for any product that uses electricity. Various governments and agencies have developed stringent requirements for electrical products that are sold world-wide. In most markets it is mandatory for a product to conform to safety standards promulgated by safety and standard agencies such as UL, CE, VDE, CSA, BSI, CCC and so on. To conform to such standards, the product must pass safety tests such as the high voltage test (also called as Dielectric voltage-withstand test or high potential test), Insulation Resistance Test, Ground (Earth) Bond & Ground Continuity Test & Leakage Current Test (also called as Line Leakage Test, Earth Leakage Current Test, Enclosure Leakage Current Test or Patient Leakage Current Test). These tests are described in IEC 60335, IEC 61010 and many other national and international standards.
The Messiah argues that todays safety and standard agencies ( like TNO and TUV Rheinland) have no knowledge about plasma technology. However these Magrav-power systems contain electrical components, wires and circuits, and even, they deliver electrical power back to the grid. So these prototypes will be legally considered to be "a product that uses electricity". Thus they will need to have over-current protection means, such as power-system protection, etc. Thus it is not ethical to tell the public that Keshe Foundation Safety Certificates are sufficient. They would be illegal, and even considered to be fraudulent and misleading.
As one of the founders of the Keshe Foundation and one of the first supporters my advice is: Mehran, don't go in such illegal and unethical direction, you will hurt the Keshe Foundation yourself, and you will feed the ways enemies of Keshe foundation can attack and destroy the keshe Foundation, even put you, importers, distributors in jail as criminals.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.07.2015 um 20:09
Fernando Morris and Jon Bliven as managing Directors of the Searl Aerospace Corporation, are hereby announcing with the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute to jointly explore the future of Space exploration. Both companies found common ground in their desires to rapidly move the technologies forward. Both companies will work together in a cooperative manner to share teachings and understandings.



Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

16.07.2015 um 22:41
John Searl ist ein ähnlicher Crackpot wie Keshe, allerdings schon viel länger (seit Jahrzehnten) im Geschäft.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

17.07.2015 um 14:01

Keshe steht jetzt ziemlich mit dem Rücken zur Wand und Laureyssens Abrechnung bestätigt, was ich schon länger vermutet habe: Die Ortswechsel Keshes dürften unter Anderem darauf zurückzuführen sein, dass ihm der Boden unter seinen Füßen zu heiss geworden war und er seinen Gläubigern entkommen wollte.

Ich habe Laureyssens Abrechnung mal in die Kommentare zu dem fraglichen Video reingestellt und werd' versuchen, die Geschichte viral zu machen un sie auch den hardcore - Gläubigen per PN zu servieren. Vielleicht kann sich ja einer von Euch:
beteiligen :)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

17.07.2015 um 14:21
Ich habe mir vorhin mal die erste halbe Stunde des 70. KSWS angesehen. Komplett irre. Es ist wirklich grotesk, dass es anscheinend immer noch Leute gibt, die das ernst nehmen.

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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

17.07.2015 um 15:37
Zitat von uatuuatu schrieb:Ich habe mir vorhin mal die erste halbe Stunde des 70. KSWS angesehen. Komplett irre. Es ist wirklich grotesk, dass es anscheinend immer noch Leute gibt, die das ernst nehmen.
Für sich gesehen wirken solche Scams wie Keshe oder auch ein Auftriebskraftwerk unglaublich.

In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass einige Menschen immer noch glauben, ein entfernt verwandter Prinz aus Zamunda wäre gestorben und für die Beantragung der Erbschaft in Höhe von 50 Mio. $ all ihre Ersparnisse zu Western Union tragen, relativiert sich das schon wieder.

itfc ehemaliges Mitglied

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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

17.07.2015 um 19:42
Schreib mir ne PN wie ich dir helfen kann.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

17.07.2015 um 22:12
Ab 1.03.30 geht Keshe stundenlang auf Dirk und Eliya los... unglaublich schrääeeg ;)

Das foto zeigt eine sms die keshe erhalten hat wo Eliya Kostova als: "OUT OF CONTROL" bezeichnet wird...

eliya out of controlOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Quelle: Youtube: 70th Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 16 2015
70th Knowledge Seekers Workshop July 16 2015
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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

18.07.2015 um 08:27
Warum zum Henker zeigt den keiner von den Geschädigten an? Ich versteh das nicht.

Ob dem eigentlich klar ist, dass er irgendwann alleine da steht, wenn er auf alle seine Freunde losgeht?

Ähhh, der sagt nicht wirklich, dass Dirk in den Garten pisst??? Der hat doch nicht mehr alle Nadeln an der Tanne!


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

18.07.2015 um 18:08
Die Geschichte mit Keshe's neuen "Magrav-Power Systems" (Archiv-Version vom 17.07.2015) dürfte bald lustig werden: "Delivery time: Europe: within 30 working days. Other continents: within 30 working days.". ;) Beim Preis (bisher 499,99 EUR, mit der Option zusätzlich 300 EUR zu spenden, angeblich um dem jeweiligen Staat den Übergang auf die neue Technologie zu erleichtern) gibt es folgende Änderung:
From orders received so far, less than 10% have taken the opportunity to donate. As per Mr. Keshe instructions, the price has changed to 799.99EUR, to make the donation mandentory. This is to support your own governments in the transition to the new technology.
Daraus folgt indirekt, dass mindestens ca. 10 Narren tatsächlich eine Bestellung aufgegeben haben. Ich staune immer wieder, obwohl mich das nach einigen Jahren Erfahrung mit der Freie-Energie-Szene eigentlich nicht mehr wundern sollte. Bei overunity.de (Archiv-Version vom 24.07.2015) und http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?83294-Significant-Keshe-Foundation-public-announcement-2-July-2015 sammeln sich auch schon die Gläubgen. Aber immerhin Sterling Allan ist -- wie schon mal erwähnt -- skeptisch (Archiv-Version vom 18.07.2015).

Soweit ich das verstanden habe (wobei ich zugeben muss, dass ich die Geschehnisse um Keshe seit Längerem nur noch am Rande verfolge) sollen diese "Magrav-Power Systems" auf der "Alekz-Technologie" (Archiv-Version vom 20.07.2015) des in Grossbritannien lebenden nigerianischen Keshe-Anhängers https://www.facebook.com/alekz.egbaran beruhen. Tatsächlich handelt es sich offensichtlich um ziemlich primitive galvanische Zellen. Damit werden sich die Kilo- und Megawatt, die Keshe aktuell wieder mal verspricht, kaum erzeugen lassen. ;)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

18.07.2015 um 18:57
Ein Mitarbeiter der Keshe Foundation erklärt in einem YouTube-Kommentar Näheres:
Not only are you not getting the same technology in the 3-4KW reactor, you are getting at least 5 X the Magrav-Power, from the system. I cannot give "specifications" as there are NONE. You plug the Magrav-Power Systems into the mains, and plug (for example), and air conditioner into it. Then you plug 3 more. The Magrav-Power Systems are dynamic! The more power that you draw, the more power that is provided to the rest of the mains. This is not a battery, or capacitor. The INPUT voltage is the key. We are used to electronic systems advising of power consumption and input required. This is different. The input voltage is FULLY dynamic. The reason for the need of input voltage (at this point in the devices available for purchase), is to "condition" the system for what you need. For example: You purchase a Magrav-Power Universal System. If you live in the EU, you have 220-240V AC at the plug. If you used the Magrav-Power System, it would provide 220-240V AC output (top of System). If you move to North America, your voltage at the plug is 120V AC. Plug the same system into your new residence and you now have 120V AC at the output (and plug converters - NOT POWER CONVERTERS-). Take it into your car, plug it into 12V, and there is 12V DC at the output.

(Keshe Foundation am 12.07.2015)
Das "Magrav-Power System" braucht also nur deshalb einen Anschluss an das Stromnetz (bzw. die Batterie im Auto), damit es weiss, was für eine Spannung es produzieren soll. Genau diese Spannung wird dann -- ganz egal ob 230 V Wechselspannung oder 12 V Gleichspannung -- sowohl an die Verbraucher als auch in das Stromnetz geliefert, und zwar um so mehr, je mehr verbraucht wird! Ganz bestimmt! ;)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

18.07.2015 um 19:21
Zitat von amad2010amad2010 schrieb:... geht Keshe stundenlang auf Dirk und Eliya los.
In der ersten Viertelstunde dieses Videos genauso (insbesondere auf Eliya). Aber sie ist ja oft genug vor Keshe gewarnt worden ...


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

18.07.2015 um 21:05
Das "Magrav-Power System" braucht also nur deshalb einen Anschluss an das Stromnetz (bzw. die Batterie im Auto), damit es weiss, was für eine Spannung es produzieren soll.
Hat man bei dem AuKW, eleganter gelöst das Problem mit der überschüssigen Energie. Außerdem kommt es ganz ohne Anbindung an das Öffentlich Stromnetz aus. Wie das funktioniert ist ganz einfach. Man teile einfach die Anzahl aller Verbraucher und hat immer genau die benötigte Leistung an elektrischen Strom.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

18.07.2015 um 21:30
Du hast immer super Insiderinfos :D auch wenn du v.a. mit dem Aukw beschäftigt bist.

Sagt er der Eliya eig "Julia" oder tönt das nur so? Ist schon sie gemeint damit nehm ich an. Ich versteh häufig sowieso nur die Hälfte von dem was er so von sich gibt. Auch ich hab sie damals gewarnt. Aber was in so Köpfen vorgeht kann man als gesunder Mensch wohl unmöglich nachvollziehen. Nichtsdestorotz umso interessanter find ich so ein Phänomen. Er hat ja schon wieder neue Anhänger also kann man die alten auch langsam mal wieder los werden... :ask: War das jetzt irgend ein strategischer Schachzug oder gehts dem Keshe vielleicht doch endlich mal an den Kragen? Auch der Verkauf seiner Produkte werden langfristig bestimmt zum Problem werden, wenn sich Leute gerichtlich dagegen wehren. Wenn sie denn zugeben können dass sie sich getäuscht haben.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

19.07.2015 um 18:07
Mehr von Dirk Laureyssens bei KesheThoughtsgroupWorldwide (er scheint der Betreiber dieser Facebook-Seite zu sein, deshalb können ihn die Keshies dort nicht zensieren):
I am not the first one that is the victim of his lunatic mind. A large number of good sincere souls went through that kuku mind games process of Keshe. I should make a list of the victims. For now I just name some of them: Desiré, mtk's personal secretary; Eliya, MD; Bert, First cameraman, Sven, third webmaster, Luc, co-founder of the Belgian KF, John, knowledge seeker in Descenzano - murder accusation, Marek, knowledge seeker in Descenzano - theft accusation, Jorge, knowledge seeker in Descenzano - theft accusation, Mr Hui... and the list is even longer. Add now me. I suggest you contact them directly to hear their stories, ask them if Keshe acts ethical, for fills his promises, and speaks with an honest mind. Ask them yourself, double check what I tell you.

(Dirk Laureyssens am 17.07.2015)
Allerdings glaubt er anscheinend manche Märchengeschichten von Keshe immer noch:
Mtk was in his previous business life a professional double or triple spy, working with several security services like CIA, KGB, MI6, Iranian SS, Mosad, etc. By his high level contacts he was able to get profitable business deals in diamond, oil, minerals, etc. As an additional service he opened Swiss bank accounts for the top SS-people, like KGB, to smooth the personal money transfers or organize the funds for secret operations. By his contacts he was able to send business competitors to Guantanamo and Siberia. Hallelujah! Mtk showed me once his little brown book with the names, telephone numbers of presidents and Prime Ministers, ... with the names of the mistresses. Thus the previous professional history of Keshe is one of lies, misfiring, accusations, deceive, black mail, ill talk, ... you don't need to believe all of this, but it is what i got directly from himself and from Caroline. When Keshe was in Teheran Caroline and I spoke almost daily two hours on the phone, were she told me so much about his rudeness in the family, his dictatorial attitude and many details from the past.

(Dirk Laureyssens am 17.07.2015)

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Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

19.07.2015 um 19:32
Anscheinend doch --
Dieser Beitrag wurde entfernt oder konnte nicht geladen werden.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

19.07.2015 um 21:55
@ShortVisit: Hmmm ... man muss zwar leider -- soweit mir bekannt -- bei Facebook angemeldet sein, um auf eine Gruppe zuzugreifen, aber dann sollte der Link funktionieren. Der Beitrag an sich ist definitiv noch vorhanden.


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

19.07.2015 um 21:57
Eheh, ganz schön sauer der liev Dirk (das gefällt mir besonders guuut) ;)


Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?

19.07.2015 um 22:00

Ist gelöscht worden, habe auch nachgesehen..
