Keshe Foundation - Betrug und kein Ende in Sicht?
11.07.2012 um 22:51keine ahnung was du meinst, die patente sind jedenfalls veröffentlicht:habiba schrieb:Was mich am meisten nervt, sind diese Daten immer ein paar Monate in der Zukunft ! Man koennte ja theoretisch dieses Wissen auch jetzt gleich weltweit online stellen. (Archiv-Version vom 26.04.2012)
das liest sich wie nen sci-fi-roman:
Gravitational and energy system
The new method and technology is described to create - under centrifugal and vacuum conditions - in presence of ionization condition - a turbulence, rotation, compressive and heating of a gaseous matter is created in a reactor by at least one central rotative magnetic field with the purpose of creating plasmatic conditions leading to the creation various magnetic fields where at least the interaction of two magnetic field would lead to the creation of at least one gravitational force phenomena. In a reactor-embodiment a chain of energetic events is created via a rotative magnetic initiation of a basic ionization of a gas (i.e. hydrogen) which then triggers a controllable chain of energy transfers (Scintillation) to the next following layer(s) of introduced gasses (i.e. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe), of all other introduced elements of the periodic table (i.e. Li, Be, K, Ca, Ti, ... Pt, etc.) and/or their introduced molecule combinations (i.e. a vapor). A central colums has magnetic means to start the process. Various concepts, applications and products are disclosed, such as space travel and atomic welding
das originaldokument is jedenfalls sehr lang und lässt weder wünsche offen noch nen auge trocken.
zu schön um wahr zu werden, möchte man fast meinen...