@Peter0167 Gutes Argument. Aber ist das auch bedingungslos überall anwendbar? Wie sieht das in unserem konkreten Fall mit den Multiversen aus, und welchen Wert hätte eine solche Überprüfung?
Wenn in Rahmen einer Theorie, die ein Multiversum beschreibt, auch die physikalischen Gesetze unseres Universums abgeleitet werden können, so ist es doch Recht plausibel anzunehmen, dass die anderen Universen die in Rahmen dieser Theorie beschrieben werden, ebenso physikalisch existieren - sie sehen wahrscheinlich nur völlig anders. Manche würden Fantasiewelten gleichen.
Nach MUH existiert jedes logisch mögliche Universum,
"Level IV: Ultimate ensemble[edit]
The ultimate ensemble or mathematical universe hypothesis is the hypothesis of Tegmark himself.[40] This level considers equally real all universes that can be described by different mathematical structures. Tegmark writes that "abstract mathematics is so general that any Theory Of Everything (TOE) that is definable in purely formal terms (independent of vague human terminology) is also a mathematical structure. For instance, a TOE involving a set of different types of entities (denoted by words, say) and relations between them (denoted by additional words) is nothing but what mathematicians call a set-theoretical model, and one can generally find a formal system that it is a model of." He argues this "implies that any conceivable parallel universe theory can be described at Level IV" and "subsumes all other ensembles, therefore brings closure to the hierarchy of multiverses, and there cannot be say a Level V."[9]
Jürgen Schmidhuber, however, says the "set of mathematical structures" is not even well-defined, and admits only universe representations describable by constructive mathematics, that is, computer programs. He explicitly includes universe representations describable by non-halting programs whose output bits converge after finite time, although the convergence time itself may not be predictable by a halting program, due to Kurt Gödel's limitations.[41][42][43] He also explicitly discusses the more restricted ensemble of quickly computable universes.[44]"
Wikipedia: MultiverseLogisch ist dabei wirklich strikt im formalen Sinne zu sehen, alles was sich nicht selbst widerspricht, existiert.