GDC skandal! Sexistische betrügerin kriegt Ambassador Award...
19.03.2014 um 00:37
The Ambassador Award, honoring someone who is helping video games "advance to a better place" through advocacy or action, is going to media critic Anita Sarkeesian, creator of Feminist Frequency, a video series that deconstructs representations of women in game and pop culture narratives. #
die gute dame ist nicht nur eine sexistin, sondern auch an nem fetten kickstarter scam beteiligt bei dem sie sich 160.000!$ für videos beschaft hat
diese videos sind nicht nur lächerlich vom produktionsaufwand(geklaute videoschnippsel aus letsplays
#It has recently come to my attention that, where it can be checked cutscenes are usually the same everywhere after all and popular games have a million Let's Plays to hide in, a substantial amount of Feminist Frequency's video game footage isn't actually stuff she recorded herself. She's already just pretty much reading Tvtropes pages and Wikipedia summaries, but the game footage doesn't even come from her own camp and she doesn't cite her resources?#)
sondern auch lächerlich vom inhalt und der recherche...
macht euch selbst nen bild...
super person um sie für das verbessern der gamerwelt auszuzeichnen...
The Ambassador Award, honoring someone who is helping video games "advance to a better place" through advocacy or action, is going to media critic Anita Sarkeesian, creator of Feminist Frequency, a video series that deconstructs representations of women in game and pop culture narratives. #
die gute dame ist nicht nur eine sexistin, sondern auch an nem fetten kickstarter scam beteiligt bei dem sie sich 160.000!$ für videos beschaft hat
diese videos sind nicht nur lächerlich vom produktionsaufwand(geklaute videoschnippsel aus letsplays
#It has recently come to my attention that, where it can be checked cutscenes are usually the same everywhere after all and popular games have a million Let's Plays to hide in, a substantial amount of Feminist Frequency's video game footage isn't actually stuff she recorded herself. She's already just pretty much reading Tvtropes pages and Wikipedia summaries, but the game footage doesn't even come from her own camp and she doesn't cite her resources?#)
sondern auch lächerlich vom inhalt und der recherche...
macht euch selbst nen bild...
super person um sie für das verbessern der gamerwelt auszuzeichnen...