@Marmorander Auch dieser "bestrahlte" John Finch ist lediglich Opfer des eigenen Wahns, was dir eigentlich selbst hätte auffallen müssen, wenn du den Link nicht einfach nur unbesehen hierherkopiert hast. Das z.B. sollen die halluzinierten Täter angeblich alles können:
a. place a human subject under ceaseless satellite surveillance - no matter where he/she is
b. ceaselessly monitor a human brain by satellite - including thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image reading - ‘Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)
c. ceaselessly attack directly into a human brain by satellite with voices, noises, other disturbances, images and ‘virtual-reality scenarios’; and the ability to override, control, and alter consciousness - ‘Electronic Brain Link (EBL)’
d. directly abuse, torture, assault, and interfere with bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - by satellite
e. directly interfere with electronics, alter, insert etc. data, files, communications and legal evidence even during transmission - by satellite
f. make live TV and radio, and other screens and monitors, two-way - for surveillance, invasion of privacy, deception, traumatisation etc. - ‘2-Way TV/RADIO and the Orwellian Media (2WTV)’
g. control the flow of information and orchestrate the media worldwide
http://yoziki.blogspot.de/p/john-finchs-letters-to-torture-victims.htmlMit diesem Schmarrn belästigt er seit fast 10 Jahren die Behörden weltweit - und das, obwohl angeblich jede seiner Handlungen ferngesteuert werden kann...