Wieder Erdbeben! (Chile) - Was zum Henker ist hier los?
14.05.2010 um 13:50Mal kucken was man mit dieser Meldung anfangen kann:
Rainbow similar to before China and Chile quake seen over Los Angeleshttp://www.theweatherspace.com/news/05-13-2010-Rainbow-similar-to-before-China-and-Chile-quake-seen-over-Los-Angeles.html (Archiv-Version vom 16.05.2010)
San Diego residents are reporting shaking continuing in the area. The shaking, according to the USGS, is likely due to the Easter quake this year which rocked the region.
Twitter is rolling with reports of rainbow cloud over Los Angeles today. Reports are coming in that this looks similar to before both the China and Chile quakes where residents reported and took photos of such events in the sky.
While no one can be sure what it means, people should always be prepared for a major Earthquake in Southern California as it is seismically active.