Je intensiver man sich mit der 9/11 Materie beschäftigt,desto erstaunlichere Verkettungen und Zufälle kommen zutage.
Dieser Jerome Hauer ist einer der Hauptverdächtigen,wenn es um 9/11 Mitwisserschaft/Mittäterschaft geht.Er hat nicht nur am Morgen des 11.Septembers in den Massenmedien erstaunlich präzise Angaben bezüglich der späteren 9/11 Coverstory gemacht,er hat sogar höchstpersönlich dem Top-Experten und Al Quaeda/OBL-Jäger John O'Neil die Stelle als Sicherheitschef im WTC verschafft.
O'Neil war Al Quaeda auf der Spur und war unzufrieden mit seiner Arbeit,weil er seine Ermittlungen behindert und blockiert sah,genauso wie andere FBI-Agenten die dem Terror auf der Spur waren.
Daraufhin ist er vom Jemen in die USA zurückgekehrt und hat am 10.September(!)2001 seinen Dienst im WTC angetreten.Einen Tag später war er tot.
Dieser Artikel geht dem Ganzen sehr detailliert auf den Grund.Für mich sind das Aspekte,die man nicht verdrängen sollte.Einer von 1000 Zufällen mehr?
Vielleicht für die "Leichtgläubigen",die die VT kategorisch ablehnen oder einfach eine neutrale Position beziehen wollen,das kann ich verstehen.Ich habe mein Urteil auch gefällt,früher zu Unrecht,weil ich vieles nicht wusste(heute weiß ich auch nicht alles,aber mir genügt es um die OT als dreisten Schwindel und zu offensichtliche Verschwörung einzustufen.)
LIHOP ist angesichts der Fakten das wahrscheinlichste Szenario.
On September 11, 2001, in addition to his job with the NIH, Jerome Hauer was also Managing Director of Kroll Associates, a well-established security firm serving clients in the military and the US government. In the 1980s, Kroll was known as the "CIA of Wall Street" because of the sorts of the people it hired, and the sorts of tasks they were assigned.
Strangely, perhaps, on 9/11, Kroll was in charge of security for the entire World Trade Center complex.
The head of security at the WTC on September 11, 2001, was former FBI counter-terror specialist John P. O'Neill.
O'Neill, considered the world's leading expert on Osama bin Laden, had resigned his post as Deputy Director of the FBI during the summer, very unhappy with the Bush administration's head-in-sand "approach" to terror, after investigations into Osama bin Laden and al-Q'aeda had been blocked.
Who Killed John O'Neill?
John O'Neill started his new job at the WTC on September 10, 2001, the day before he was killed there. His having landed that particular job at that particular time raises some very interesting questions.
Among them: Why does this matter?
If, as many people believe, 9/11 was a false-flag operation designed to implicate Osama bin Laden, then a legend, or a cover story, involving bin Laden would have to be fabricated, disseminated very quickly, and swallowed whole -- not just by the American people but by the people of the world.
And John O'Neill was a most -- if not the most -- formidable obstacle in the way of such a cover story.
He was not only the world's leading expert on bin Laden, but he was also regarded as a "loose cannon", because of his record of working outside normal channels when normal channels were "blocked". He knew FBI investigations into bin Laden and al-Q'aeda had been shut down in the summer of 2001 and it is extremely unlikely that he would have remained quiet about it. He also knew whether or not Osama bin Laden was capable of inflicting the amount of damage the US suffered on 9/11.
In other words, if the conspirators were hoping to spread a Big Lie about Osama bin Laden, they would have had a short list of things they absolutely had to do.
Surely, one of the items on that list would be to silence John O'Neill.
And what better way than to entomb him at the scene of the crime?
So many questions!
Who got John O'Neill the WTC job?
Strangely, perhaps, John O'Neill was lured to the WTC position by his old friend Jerome Hauer, Managing Director of Kroll.
Very strange indeed, don't you think?