George Bush's Weg zum Alleinherrscher
26.07.2007 um 19:01wikipedia:
The signing of this Directive was generally not covered by the
mainstream U.S. media or discussed by the U.S. Congress. While similar executive
security directives have been issued by previous presidents, they have been kept secret;
this is the first to be made public. It is unclear how the National Security and
Homeland Security Presidential Directive will reconcile with the National Emergencies
Act, a U.S. federal law passed in 1976, which gives Congress oversight over presidential
emergency powers during such emergencies. The National Emergencies Act is not mentioned
in the text of the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential
DAS erwähnt hier natürlich niemand, bestätigt nur das, was ich
weiter oben schon geschrieben hab.
The signing of this Directive was generally not covered by the
mainstream U.S. media or discussed by the U.S. Congress. While similar executive
security directives have been issued by previous presidents, they have been kept secret;
this is the first to be made public. It is unclear how the National Security and
Homeland Security Presidential Directive will reconcile with the National Emergencies
Act, a U.S. federal law passed in 1976, which gives Congress oversight over presidential
emergency powers during such emergencies. The National Emergencies Act is not mentioned
in the text of the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential
DAS erwähnt hier natürlich niemand, bestätigt nur das, was ich
weiter oben schon geschrieben hab.