World's Richest Man is Said to have Assyrian Roots
(ZNDA: New York) Mr. CarlosSlim Helú Aglamaz, born in 1940 in Mexico City, may be the son of an Assyrian-Lebanesebusinessman.
Mr. Slim owns controlling shares of the Teléfonos de México (Telmex),Telcel and América Móvil companies, therefore exerting huge control over thetelecommunications sector in Central and South America. His three sons and son-in-law runthe day-to-day operations.
According to reports in early July, Mr. Slim's wealthhas exceeded that of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, making him the world's wealthiestperson. His fortune is estimated at 67.8 billion dollars compared with the estimatedfortune of 59.2 billion dollars for Bill Gates.
Mr. Slim's father, Haddad Aglamaz,a Lebanese native from the town of Jezzine - who may have been an Assyrian, moved toMexico City as a teenager in 1902. He established a dry goods store called La Estrelladel Oriente (Star of the Orient) in 1911 and purchased real estate in the city center.Julián married the daughter of another prosperous Lebanese merchant. They had sixchildren, of whom Carlos was the youngest.
The name, Jezzine, derives from theAramaic (Syriac) word, meaning "depot" or "store". Many historians believe that Jezzineserved as a storing location for traders because of its strategic location on the caravanroute that connected the ancient port city of Sidon to the Chouf, the Beqaa Valley, andto Syria.
Haha der Reichste Mann der Welt hat Assyrische Wurzeln. Sein Vaterwar Assyrer seine Mutter Maronitin, aber jetzt hab ich herausgefunden das dieMaronitische Kirche nichts anderes als eine abgespaltene Kirche von unserer Kirche ist:p
Die Maroniten gehören zu den ältesten der im Libanon ansässigen religiösenGemeinschaften. Es handelt sich bei Ihnen um Christen syrischen Ursprungs. Sie sind einechristliche Sekte
der Ost-Kirche, die sich von einer anderen monotheistischen Kirche,der Melchite-Kirche von Antiochien, im siebten Jahrhundert nach Christus, abspaltete.Ihren Namen leiten sie vom heiligen Maron (Marun, lateinisch Marco, syrischMuran).
Nicht schlecht ;)