9/11: Tag der Verschwörungen?
13.06.2008 um 22:08Da sagt Bin Laden in einem Interview 1999 mit Al Dschasira aber was ganz anderes.
"In einem 1999 ausgestrahlten Interview mit Al Dschasira bestritt bin Laden allerdings, dass die arabischen Dschihadisten jemals von den USA unterstützt worden seien und meinte, die Amerikaner hätten ihn und seine Kämpfer nur behindert"
"The Americans are lying when they say that they cooperated with us in the past, and we challenge them to show any evidence. The truth of the matter is that they were a burden on us and on the mujahidin in Afghanistan. There was no agreement on this. We were doing our duty in support of Islam in Afghanistan, although this duty used to serve, against our desire, the US interests"
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"Praise be to God, we gave lectures during those days in Hejaz and Najd on the need to boycott the US goods and to attack the US forces and the US economy. This was more than 12 years ago."
(Quelle: http://web.archive.org/web/20021113111503/http://www.terrorism.com/terrorism/BinLadinTranscript.shtml )
"In einem 1999 ausgestrahlten Interview mit Al Dschasira bestritt bin Laden allerdings, dass die arabischen Dschihadisten jemals von den USA unterstützt worden seien und meinte, die Amerikaner hätten ihn und seine Kämpfer nur behindert"
"The Americans are lying when they say that they cooperated with us in the past, and we challenge them to show any evidence. The truth of the matter is that they were a burden on us and on the mujahidin in Afghanistan. There was no agreement on this. We were doing our duty in support of Islam in Afghanistan, although this duty used to serve, against our desire, the US interests"
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"Praise be to God, we gave lectures during those days in Hejaz and Najd on the need to boycott the US goods and to attack the US forces and the US economy. This was more than 12 years ago."
(Quelle: http://web.archive.org/web/20021113111503/http://www.terrorism.com/terrorism/BinLadinTranscript.shtml )