9/11: Tag der Verschwörungen?
03.11.2007 um 15:48Link deaktiviert (unerwünschte Quelle)
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Patriot Act... jeder wird eingeschüchtert...
Also, so wie ich es verstehe, willst Du damit auf derenunauffälliges Lebenjersey_girl schrieb: und ich glaube nicht das die sogenannten Höhlenmenschen sich betrinken, Strippklubs besuchen, amerikanische Freundinnen haben und und und ...
Und wie haben das dann die 'blow-outs' geschafft? ^^MorpheuS8382 schrieb:Wie jeder wissen sollte breitet sich Druck gleichmäßig aus. Wie also hat es USA die geschafft mit ihren Sprengladungen nur einzelne Fenster zum "platzen" zu bringen?
Several days after a new Zogby Poll showed only 4.6% of likely voters believe "9/11 was an inside job" (MIHOP), and Osama Bin Laden praised 19 Arab hijackers for the 9/11 attacks, "Loose Change" video creator, Dylan Avery, issued a statement announcing the recall of all T-shirts with the saying, "9/11 Was An Inside Job." Part of Avery's statement:
"As much as it pains all of us in the 9/11 Truth Movement to face reality, we can no longer ignore that the vast majority of Americans, and even Osama bin Laden himself, believe 19 Arab cavemen were able to carry off the 9/11 attacks without help of the U.S. Government.
"Despite the massive evidence we have collected showing that pre-planted explosives were needed to collapse the World Trade Center towers, Americans were unable to grasp the laws of physics sufficiently to see the truth.
"Therefore, we have decided to abandon the reality that "9/11 was an inside job" in favor of the less elegant and less dramatic theory of LIHOP - that the Bush Administration let the attacks happen on purpose."
"We ask all Truthers to return their "9/11 Was An Inside Job" T-shirts for disposal. For those unwilling to abandon hope, Alex Jones has offered to modify the T-shirts to say "4.6% of Americans Believe 9/11 Was An Inside Job" for $12.95 plus shipping and handling. New York City and state residents, please add appropriate sales tax."Asked what would be done with the returned T-shirts, Avery said they "will be sent to China for recycling."