@GroschengrabWieviele Erfahrungen hast du mit der Analyse von solchen Fasern? Die Erklärungen sind [möööp].
Natürlich gar keine wie wahrscheinlich jeder hier,aber wenn man bedenkt das die Fasern evtl. Teil eines lebenden Organismus/Parasiten sind,der mutiert ist und sich den Menschen als Wirt ausgesucht hat,kann jede noch so absurd klingende Erklärung wahr sein.
Findest du das etwa nicht seltsam,das die untersuchte Faser mit 100.000 natürlichen und synthetischen Fasern in der FBI-Datenbank verglichen wurde und keinen Treffer ergab?
Ich denke die haben so ziemlich alle Teppichfasern,Kleiderfasern etc. in ihrer Datenbank,ausserdem haben sich die Fasern von verschieden Kranken geglichen und keine war identifizierbar.
Nochmal der Fernsehbericht,der Beamte sagt"this is no commercial Fiber".
http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=4146881&affil=kabcHier eine mögliche Erklärung warum die Fasern fluoreszierende Eigenschaften haben und wie man von staatlicher Seite das Phänomen untersucht.
Die Studie wird gelinde gesagt halbherzig angegangen,sie ist unterbudgetiert und kam zu keinem Ergebnis.
Wenn der Fall so einfach wäre und die Patienten unter Wahnvorstellungen leiden würden,wäre es für KAISER und das CDC doch eine Fingerübung das nachzuweisen,oder etwa nicht?
The CDC gets involved... to kill further research!
Because of the publicity that the Morgellons Research Foundation attracted, certain politicians decided that it was politically valuable to at least appear sympathetic to this cause. In early 2008 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) announced that it was going to conduct an in-depth study of the disease through their association with the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in California. Kaiser was chosen, according to the CDC, because of the large population of California residents that claimed to suffer from the symptoms. At first there was a sigh of relief, thinking that the full weight and knowledge of a government agency would be focused on this disease. But that was soon shattered.
When details of the announcement were revealed it was learned that the total budget for this study was just $300,000! Hardly enough to pay the annual salary for laboratory staff. Further, it was revealed that Kaiser had already been treating Morgellons patients but had given them the diagnosis of Delusional Parasitosis. Kaiser was already biased and not the best choice to investigate a disease already plagued by misdiagnoses.
Further proof that the study was a shill came when the CDC posted a page on their official website devoted to the study (see www.cdc.gov/unexplaineddermopathy/). After two years of questionable research the CDC states that they have learned virtually nothing about the cause, whether or not it is contagious, whether or not it is a new disease or how to treat it. Further, in their FAQ (Frequently Asled Questions) section they politely refuse to accept any specimens, referrals or information from Morgellons researchers or victims!
One can only imagine that the $300,000 has already been spent -- perhaps on the website -- and no report of any kind has emerged. Matters are even worse because the head of the CDC has resigned and the new head of the agency has shown no interest in Morgellons.
As anyone close to politics knows, the best way to kill any project is to assign it for study and then underfund it. This is blatantly what has happened with Morgellons. But why would a government agency with a charter to prevent the outbreak and spread of disease want to stop research of a horrible disease that effects tens of thousands of US citizens? Could it have something to do with those fibers that were fluorescent? The ones that obviously came from an organism that had been trans-genetically tagged?
http://pulsescan.blogspot.com/2010/04/morgellons-disease-crime-of-silence.htmlUnd dann noch die Tatsache,das innerhalb von 3 Jahren das von Monsanto produzierte und unter Laborbedingungen von pflanzlichen auf menschliche Zellen übertragbare Agrobacterium wieder eine Saubere Weste hatte,und nix mehr mit der ekligen Spinnerkrankheit Morgellonen gemein.
Das ganze sogar noch vom selben Mann abgesegnet,der den Zusammenhang 2007 publik machte.Da wurde nachgeholfen...
FiatLuxFan schrieb:Agrobacterium in humans
Although generally seen as an infection in plants, Agrobacterium can be responsible for opportunistic infections in humans with weakened immune systems,[3][4] but has not been shown to be a primary pathogen in otherwise healthy individuals. One of the earliest associations of human disease caused by Agrobacterium radiobacter was reported by Dr. J. R. Cain in Scotland (1988).[5] A later study suggested that Agrobacterium attaches to and genetically transforms several types of human cells by integrating its T-DNA into the human cell genome. The study was conducted using cultured human tissue and did not draw any conclusions regarding related biological activity in nature.[6]
There is a conjectured connection with Morgellons syndrome. Dr Raphael Stricker from New Morgellons Order along with Dr. Citovsky, an expert on plant pathogens State University of New York at Stony Brook, reported in January, 2007, that Morgellons skin fibers appear to contain cellulose. Five skin samples of Morgellons patients contained evidence of DNA from Agrobacterium. However, Dr. Randy Wymore from Oklahoma State University repeated This Agrobacterium Study in 2010 and did not find DNA evidence from agrobacterium on any Morgellons patients. Dr. Randy Wymore stated this at a 2010 "New Morgellons Order" Conference in Austin, TX
Wikipedia: Agrobacterium#Agrobacterium in humansWie mächtig Monsanto ist,kann man anhand des von mir verlinkten Videos sehen.Der Konzern kauft sich ganze Fernsehsender und macht quasi was er will:
Monsanto - mit Gift und Genen (Seite 23)