@Hanakodieses in einer southpark folge eingespielte lied, ist eine parodie auf anime, animebegleitmusik und deren abstrusen texte.
South Park - Let's Fighting Love
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Suba-ra-shi chin chin mono
Kintama no kame aru
Sore no oto saru bo bo
Iie! Ninja ga imasuuuuuuuu
Hey hey let's go kenka suru
Taisetsu na mono protect my balls!
Boku ga warui so let's fighting...
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
Kono uta chotto baka wa
Wake ga wakaranai
Eigo ga mecha-kucha
Daijobu - we do it all the time!
Hey hey let's go kenga suru
Taistsu na mono protect my balls!
Boku ga warui so lets fighting...
Lets fighting love!
Lets fighting love!
Wonderful penis thing
There are hairs on balls.
It sounds like that monkey Bobo
No! Ninjas are here!
Hey hey let's go fighting!
Important thing: protect my balls!
I am a badass so let's fighting
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
This song is a little stupid
I don't understand the reason
The english is irrational
It's okay--we do it all the time!