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Magic and sorcery

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Magic and sorcery

03.07.2024 um 21:51
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:I have no information about a possible insurance of the church building.
How unfortunate. Well, I guess if it's not your church, it wouldn't really be needed.


Magic and sorcery

04.07.2024 um 14:36
It could be relevant for analyzing a possible motivational background for a provocation.

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Magic and sorcery

04.07.2024 um 16:08
I think it’s not too far off to call the Christian religion a franchise.
Maybe there are black mages at work claiming to worship God.


Magic and sorcery

04.07.2024 um 16:54
‘Hell is on earth, not down here‘.
A comment that I just received!
I think that I can receive earth ghost messages since April, not only Ra‘s opinions.

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Magic and sorcery

04.07.2024 um 18:54
Telepathy and ghosts are normal topics for magic users.

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Magic and sorcery

04.07.2024 um 19:10
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:It could be relevant for analyzing a possible motivational background for a provocation.
No, I don't think so. Insurance is usually not provocative in that way, so there is nothing to worry about.
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:I think that I can receive earth ghost messages since April
You might want to talk to a doctor about that. Something non-existent can not send you messages.
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:Telepathy and ghosts are normal topics for magic users.
Very interesting - do you read a lot of fiction about these topics? Certainly sounds like it!


Magic and sorcery

04.07.2024 um 22:42
It’s more interesting if we are discussing money?
Is 20 million a realistic price for such a church building?

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Magic and sorcery

05.07.2024 um 06:37
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:Is 20 million a realistic price for such a church building?
I‘m not sure. I think when most churches were built, money didn’t have the same value that is has today. And nowadays, churches often move into normal buildings and just declare it a church. I‘m referring to smaller religious groups of course.


Magic and sorcery

05.07.2024 um 09:49
I have noticed the existence of Satanists, but am not an expert on their ideology.

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Magic and sorcery

05.07.2024 um 10:34
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:I have noticed the existence of Satanists, but am not an expert on their ideology.
Better to keep away from things like this I think, especially if you‘re prone to getting sucked into various different types of religious ideology. Focus on real life, I would suggest.


Magic and sorcery

05.07.2024 um 11:32
In a real franchise, there is some kind of quality control.
I do not really see that in the case of Christianity.

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Magic and sorcery

05.07.2024 um 12:09
OdinVikingOriginal anzeigen (3,4 MB)
This was a practical guy (Ivar Ragnarsson and his troops) - maybe it's more like the Germanic way then?

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Magic and sorcery

05.07.2024 um 12:45
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:I do not really see that in the case of Christianity.
That‘s right, because it’s a religion and not a franchise. Faith does not like quality control.
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:Ivar Ragnarsson and his troops) - maybe it's more like the Germanic way then?
He‘s certainly not a Christian though :D


Magic and sorcery

07.07.2024 um 20:05
The 's-fucks' 'fun':
It appears that some wizards use that word as a synonym for telepathy.
The English language has a bit of a phonetic in-clarity in that case.
I do not find it funny and strongly prefer telepathy as a term.
S is letter number 19 and the first letter in 'signal'.
I wouldn't be surprised if this 'fun' was invented by Thoth's wizards.

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Magic and sorcery

08.07.2024 um 09:42
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:I do not find it funny and strongly prefer telepathy as a term.
It‘s great that it does not exist, huh? Imagine what would happen if that was actually possible …
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:I wouldn't be surprised if this 'fun' was invented by Thoth's wizards.
You can be quite happy that none of these things are true, the world would be in chaos ;)


Magic and sorcery

08.07.2024 um 14:08
Current sun (Ra):
20240708114116Original anzeigen (1,0 MB)

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Magic and sorcery

08.07.2024 um 14:26
This documentation about Nikola Tesla was not about magic, but you might notice similarities with something here:
I have already mentioned that he was likely an incarnation of the soul known as Horus.

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Magic and sorcery

08.07.2024 um 16:31
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:Current sun (Ra):
Just the sun. The egyptians are long gone ...
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:I have already mentioned that he was likely an incarnation of the soul known as Horus.
No, I don't think so. Wanna know why?


Magic and sorcery

13.07.2024 um 17:30
Sun with a ghost?
IMG 0707Original anzeigen (1,1 MB)

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Magic and sorcery

13.07.2024 um 21:36
Zitat von BlueBrainBlueBrain schrieb:Sun with a ghost?
Looks like a blue filter tbh :D
