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Politcal attitudes

7 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: World, Future, Point Of View ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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Politcal attitudes

25.04.2006 um 15:54
Today’s Issue: Your political attitude, it would be nice if you describe what yourbeliefs are, and if you could also give explanations for your position, it would bereally great.

I am personally a very miscellaneous personality. I like the ideaof a 'powerful' state, but I also think the individual independence of one and all istruly significant. I believe that we need to protect our environment against a massiveindustrial exploitation, and also think that is important that we maintain some culturalaspects and principles...e.g. charity.

Because of this multifaceted view, I amnot able to say I am a conservative, or a liberal...

So what about you?


Politcal attitudes

26.04.2006 um 15:57
I Think the system is not so important. If the people who live in it would things linkecharity consider as important, problems would not be so bad as they maybe are....

So everone should look at his own problems and not only critizise others......


Politcal attitudes

05.05.2006 um 15:58
I believe freedom to be the most important thing, that you can say or write whatever isyour opinion without being arrested and tortured, because your meaning isnot the regime'sone.
And I am against monotheistic religions and political correctness.


Politcal attitudes

05.04.2014 um 05:42
Everytime i watch this video I feel like I had to travel back in time, in order to invade and conquer the beaches of the normandy allone again.

Erm,... to be more serious, and although this is the last scene of a comedy, it's my firm believe that this is one of the most impressive and true speeches ever existed. It keeps a long story short but it contains everything which is really necessary for humanity itself. True 70 years ago, true today and true even forever.

Enjoy if you like:

Youtube: [Best Version] The Great Dictator Speech - Charlie Chaplin + Time - Hans Zimmer (INCEPTION Theme)
[Best Version] The Great Dictator Speech - Charlie Chaplin + Time - Hans Zimmer (INCEPTION Theme)
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Politcal attitudes

08.04.2014 um 10:30
I think that there are too many People living on this Planet, which causes the Nature to die. We should regulate the Number of People, by giving out Condoms and Stuff to everyone.
200 Years ago only one billion People lived on our Planet, which was used to be called ,,Green Planet" once.


Politcal attitudes

08.04.2014 um 17:18
I agree in regulating the number of people. There is no other way. Every month the number of people is growing, is rising by 7 million people. 74 million+ people every year.


Politcal attitudes

09.04.2014 um 10:27
Right, and this will cause the resources to be completely exploited.
Just think of the Problems with fresh Water. In the near Future it will be impossible to feed all the hungry People all over the World, as we can see it already in Africa.


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