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How do you feel right now?

179 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Feelings, Right Now, Mood ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

How do you feel right now?

09.05.2019 um 20:46
I'm totally annoyed


How do you feel right now?

09.05.2019 um 21:42
Scared, anxious, sad ... Wow, sounds worse than it is, actually. But it's true.


How do you feel right now?

14.05.2019 um 00:51
Well, i am freaking bored right now.


How do you feel right now?

04.01.2020 um 23:36
I always turn to this thread when I feel bad somehow. It‘s my new outlet, my safe space, since my old one kinda got destroyed.
Anyways, I am fighting my bad conscience because I am not responding to messages from good friends of mine. They just wanna stay in touch with me and I am ignoring them. I don‘t even understand myself.


How do you feel right now?

28.03.2020 um 15:50
Hello, I'm back! And I am bored right now. Not that there wasn't enough stuff that I could do. I just don't wanna do it. ^^


How do you feel right now?

08.04.2020 um 22:09
feeling anxious, kinda lost and sad


How do you feel right now?

19.04.2020 um 16:18
What the absolute fucking hell is wrong with this day? Let me write a list of bad things that happened ONLY TODAY:
- started the day with waking up from a nightmare
- my window suddenly cracked
- my laptop won‘t open because the mechanism is blocking itself and I can‘t solve it
- my grandpa, who just went through a kidney transplant, is apparently struggling and in pain and they fear the transplant might be unsuccessful

Can I just end this day before it gets even worse?


How do you feel right now?

28.04.2020 um 10:34
I feel good, weather is nice, sun is shining and I´m healthy, can´t complain


How do you feel right now?

04.05.2020 um 15:29
Sick of Quarintine!
