How do you feel right now?
How do you feel right now?
17.02.2015 um 12:25not so good :{ i feel a lil bit weak and tired....
How do you feel right now?
18.02.2015 um 18:47You dont care bout how i feel
I dont feel it anymore *growl*
I dont feel it anymore *growl*
How do you feel right now?
12.03.2015 um 12:16my knee hurts :O ... it had a crash with my desk
How do you feel right now?
23.03.2015 um 11:59tired and wanna go home O.o
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dabei seit 2015Unterstützer
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How do you feel right now?
22.05.2015 um 12:04I,m fucking tired and I wanna go Home .
Bonn is a nice Town but nothing´s like Home :)
Bonn is a nice Town but nothing´s like Home :)
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dabei seit 2006Unterstützer
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How do you feel right now?
24.05.2015 um 23:13Too tired to work. But I have to...
Had too much work in the last half year...
No rest, little sleep, just work...
Time is running fast...
tick tack, tick tack...
Had too much work in the last half year...
No rest, little sleep, just work...
Time is running fast...
tick tack, tick tack...
How do you feel right now?
10.06.2015 um 22:21lil bit tired but fine^^
How do you feel right now?
22.10.2015 um 00:11bored
How do you feel right now?
29.11.2015 um 08:50undecided about what to do today
How do you feel right now?
09.03.2016 um 19:41Hungry!
How do you feel right now?
09.03.2016 um 21:09hungry :(
How do you feel right now?
09.03.2016 um 22:49very good ^^
How do you feel right now?
10.03.2016 um 16:24acceptable
How do you feel right now?
12.03.2016 um 20:54Relax and rejoice.
How do you feel right now?
15.03.2016 um 07:35I practice typing with one finger-search system. This is the
cause of my finger pain. My finger is hopeless overloaded.
cause of my finger pain. My finger is hopeless overloaded.
How do you feel right now?
16.03.2016 um 10:01@Brandubh
The yo need to use one of your other 9 Fingers ;)
when you swamp the used finger every day, you´ll rotate in a 11 day circle, which will allow your fingers to regenerate :ok:
The yo need to use one of your other 9 Fingers ;)
when you swamp the used finger every day, you´ll rotate in a 11 day circle, which will allow your fingers to regenerate :ok:
How do you feel right now?
16.03.2016 um 13:00For God's sake!
Wise of you, very wise.
Wise of you, very wise.
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