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How do you feel right now?

179 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Feelings, Right Now, Mood ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

How do you feel right now?

16.03.2016 um 13:58
very tired =0=


How do you feel right now?

16.03.2016 um 19:00
Very very satisfied..... We had fish and chips for dinner, and a bit tired after a long walk outside


How do you feel right now?

19.03.2016 um 09:08
I am still still sulking.


How do you feel right now?

21.03.2016 um 09:33
Look at the bright side.
I think, therefore I am


How do you feel right now?

23.03.2016 um 18:57
I am confident :D

...crafting for easter, together with Minime...


How do you feel right now?

28.03.2016 um 17:00
Like a cat on hot bricks.


How do you feel right now?

30.03.2016 um 01:22
Quite paranoid lol, you know.....it's one of those nights where you work until the sun rises. Currently working on my online blog.


How do you feel right now?

02.04.2016 um 02:50
I can not describe it right now.... the music will tell you what i feel

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3NIySFOMQw (Video: Miss You - Ed Sheeran Lyrics)


How do you feel right now?

05.04.2016 um 08:51
It was Francis Bacon who said...It is impossible to love and be wise... and Confucius who said... To love a thing means wanting it to live...
Since it seems that we may all of in and out of love at any age we have to deal with that elusive emotion...


How do you feel right now?

20.04.2016 um 19:03
It was a pleasure to meet you :lv:
ffc6a7 t8e786c winkenmithutblau


How do you feel right now?

20.04.2016 um 20:35

I still dont know who you are.
But nevermind, you leave?
Have a good time wherever you are and whatever you do.

Youtube: A real cool Time (Tribute to Zimbl, The Bates) No Talent Band
A real cool Time (Tribute to Zimbl, The Bates) No Talent Band
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How do you feel right now?

27.07.2016 um 19:42
I feel tired right now. I want to have some chocolate :cry:


How do you feel right now?

28.07.2016 um 12:25
I feel lazy and a little bit tired too. Maybe I should take a shower...


How do you feel right now?

31.07.2016 um 19:06
barbie fever


How do you feel right now?

25.06.2018 um 18:56
Quite well, in fact! I have shortly been very pressed at work, but this pressure has now lessened as Sweden is shutting down for the holidays, and I have time to sit down and do "easy" tasks while I rest my feet. I can even listen to an audio book some of the time, that is great! :-) (Psst... The boss is on holiday too! :-D )


How do you feel right now?

20.09.2018 um 16:00
The few last days were quite dark, but today is a good day. So I am taking the chance to tell you that I am happy and motivated today, although I am in pain. But thats okay. At least pain means I am still alive ;)

1x zitiertmelden

How do you feel right now?

20.09.2018 um 19:41
Zitat von LuminitaLuminita schrieb:The few last days were quite dark, but today is a good day. So I am taking the chance to tell you that I am happy and motivated today, although I am in pain. But thats okay. At least pain means I am still alive ;)
I hope it isn't anything serious? I also have a problem with pain, but I try to think as you: "at least it shows that one is still alive!". I can think like that also about emotional things, such as shame, grief... My physical pain problem is a rest from the very bad pelvis girdle pain when I expected my youngest child. I could hardly walk at all during the last two-three months, so my husband had to stay at home to take care of both me and our two-year-old. After the birth it healed, but never completely - I still feel the pain when I have walked long distances or when I have to get up from a low chair/bench/sofa etc., and some activities such as horse-riding I will never more be able to do. *complaint mood off*


How do you feel right now?

20.09.2018 um 22:47
Thanks for asking, and I’m sorry to hear that you experience pain as well. So sad that you had to go through that three months and still do! Especially that you can’t do certain things now. Is there nothing one could do about that to help you?
I am gonna go in complaining-mode too ^^ I dislocated my kneecap three weeks ago and it is annoying me so much. It just takes such a long time to heal. I wanted to start working in September - not possible of course. And it’s not only the pain and the the missing strength in my leg, there is also an emotional side to it. I am really fearful that it could happen again, so I am super careful. And I am forced to stay at home and do nothing - terrible. Maybe you can relate to that. So, yeah, thats my personal struggle at the moment. But I am never gonna give up and start trying to convince my knee to stay the way it is now. ^^


How do you feel right now?

21.09.2018 um 19:12
Oh yes, I can relate to that. I know at times when I have sprained my ankle, for a long time after that I have angled the foot inwards while walking, because I have been so afraid to sprain it again...

Well, at least your complaint ought to heal - my won't. There IS an operation called "arthrodesis", but it is not made inside the "Landstinget" (tax paid care); you have to pay for it yourself. And the results are varying - some women have even been worse afterwards. I think the big problem is that pelvis girdle pain is a typical pregnancy-related women's complaint, and therefore it is not taken seriously. It is the same thing with long and deep ruptures after the birth, too: women do not receive any help, as the general opinion among doctors is: "giving birth is a natural process, it will leave its marks but that is a natural thing too, a woman cannot stay like a seventeen-year old virgin for ever..."


How do you feel right now?

23.09.2018 um 08:47
Yeah, thats the only good thing about this - it’s going to heal. Slowly, but still.
I guess, as a doctor, you would have to differentiate betweeten things that are natural and tolerable (like strechmarks) and things that are not. And more so if those symptoms are involving pain. I am really sorry for you, my own injury has shown me what it’s like to experience pain all the time, but I still don’t think I can imagine how this must feel if it’s possibly never gonna get better.
