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Videos: Nathan Carman - Unheimliches Mordrätsel um Schiffbrüchigen

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Web Extra: Recording of U.S. Coast Guard speaking to Nathan Carman while at sea

Zu den Vorkommnissen an Bord: He said he saw his mother in the cockpit and then saw her pulling in the fishing lines. He said he grabbed three bags containing food, flares and life jackets. But when he looked back, his mother was no longer there, he said.“One minute I was standing on the deck, the next minute I was in the water,” he said.Carman said the life raft self-inflated, and he swam to it, about 15-20ft away, and began calling for his mother.cBbqAVPGlIINathan Carman: 5 Fast Facts You ...
Beitrag von sarkanas - am 30.09.2016