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dabei seit 2011
dabei seit 2011
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Kc schrieb:Ich denke, wie es auch schon Martin Luther King Jr. vertreten hat: Es geht nicht darum, mit dem Finger auf jemanden zu zeigen und zu sagen:,,Du bist Schuld, ihr seid miese Rassisten!"und Du erkennst nicht an, dass es Unterschiede gibt und Unterschiede gemacht werden, dass es Privilegierte gibt und weniger Privilegierte......da geht das Problem ja quasi schon los
Sondern es sollte vor allem 1. um die Akzeptanz von Ungleichheit aufgrund von Äußerlichkeiten und Herkunft gehen - denn die Anerkennung ist die Basis, etwas positiv verändern zu können.
2. Sollte es um die Aufhebung dieser Ungleichheiten gehen.
This encounter highlights a rather interesting aspect of privilege denying that often occurs when a White person is confronted with their privilege. In some instances a White person will become defensive, deny that their privilege exists, and point to the Black community as the source of their own oppression. On the other end, and as Secours has done here, a White person will acknowledge their privilege, feel guilty about Black oppression, and then attempt to separate themselves from those White people who contribute to racism. Secours’ guilt had seemingly alleviated her of any responsibility she had to address the problem of racism that continues to tug on our proverbial coat sleeves, daring us to look. Secours’ acceptance of White privilege and acknowledgment of Black oppression seemed to her to be enough. And that is precisely it.und
No, you may not have owned slaves. And maybe you have never personally contributed to the systematic oppression that has for hundreds of years led to substantially higher unemployment, poverty and incarceration rates among the Black community. But here we are. Acknowledging that you are a part of the problem, despite not intentionally contributing to the oppression/privilege dichotomy, as well as part of the solution is imperative to confronting the issue.