iphone 5 wird am 4ten oktober um 10 am offiziell vorgestellt!
28.09.2011 um 17:27Whoa! Here comes the end of our anxiety as Apple has finally disclosed the date of the long awaited event! October 4th will be marked in gold as this is the day which Apple has decided to introduce iPhone 5. Yesterday, Apple sent official invitations to media inviting them to its Cupertino campus in California. The invitation was titled as “Lets Talk iPhone”. The highly anticipated event would start at 10:00 a.m. and will be hosted by Apple’s CEO, Tim…
Quelle: http://www.iphone5gfeatures.com/ (Archiv-Version vom 23.09.2011)
Quelle: http://www.iphone5gfeatures.com/ (Archiv-Version vom 23.09.2011)