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My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

40.401 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Freundschaft, Pony, Friendship Is Magic ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:48

Well, you can go to hell if you're gonna act like that. See if I ever do anything nice for you again.
Because I won't. :fuya:


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:48
Do you have any connections to a Police Department in Connecticut? Because I've heard the Crown Victoria gets phased out and I am interested in buying one.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:50
calm down it's yust a joke


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:50

Don't take some of my postings too seriously. :P:


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:51
That much for not posting delicate pictures. We simply can't live without it ^^


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:52

I can. And it wasn't me who posted that screwed up girl. xD


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:52
I know. That's why I tagged reher ;)


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:54
Ja, ich gestern sah seine "screw you" Konversation.

"Obscene," "dirty," oder "naughty," nicht "delicate."


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:55

Don't get us wrong. We really love and tolerate each other. Isn't that so? :troll: @reher


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:55

UnbenanntOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
Perfect timing :)


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:56
Oh thank you for the correction. Usually I don't deal with that kind of stuff, so I was not aware about my mistake.
Things have changed, since I'm a brony/pegasister :D


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:56

I don't wanna be Fluttershy. You can compare me and my mindset to Sunset Shimmer. :D


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:57
But there is no picture with Discord and Sunset Shimmer. Well then, let's make a Fluttershy recolor *giggle*


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:58

No, not really. I don't like Discord that much anyway.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:59
Indeed i'm really happy, this is the first time that I joined your chat whitout getting angry 'bout saucy pictures.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 21:59
I do like him. But I didn't like his song "Glass Of Water", actually the whole episode


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 22:00
Well you should mark this day in calendar, because I doubt it'll ever happen again XD

damn, I was not thinking and created a double post. Sorry for that ^^"


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 22:00

He just annoys me. Luna and Celestia or the Mane6 should just turn him back to stone and crush the statue.


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 22:01
I think he is actually a genius. But sometimes to chaotic for me XD


My little Pony: Friendship is Magic

19.02.2014 um 22:01

I just can't take a liking to his random trolling-shit.
