Original anzeigen (0,6 MB)Me: Not hot not hot not hot not hot...
Brain: it's damn sexy i tell ya...
Brain: You think what i say you think, you understand?!
Me: Dammit! *sigh* okay...
Brain: Now take you hand and...
Me: NO WAY!! You desgusting thing, not that!!!
Brain: what?!?! NO! Are you desgusting???
Me: No, i just though.. And.. But...
Brain: No that's Big-Brain who make you move, not me. I'm just delivering the messages to Big-Brain.
And Big-Brain has also the feeling-center with.. Adrenaline. Dopamine and Serotonin etc.
Big-brain: ���ԀO˥ƆԀO˥ƆԀO˥ƆԀO˥Ɔ ⅄∀S OHM
Little brain: Nobody did, and you thinking upside-down Mr. Big-Brain i think LULZ.
And now you know.

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