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Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

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Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 14:00
ja genau das meinte ich,selbst wenn ich den notruf tätige (hat sicher jeder schon mal)bin ich immer aufgeregt und muss mich zusammen reißen vor lauter panik


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 14:12

Wegen dem Notruf hab ich noch was zum Nachlesen


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 14:30
Hier kommt ja auch wieder das Demerol zur Sprache, es wird natürlich kategorisch bestritten, dass MJ es v. Murray erhielt - aber - ist das eigentlich im Körper nachweisbar?

Das in Michaels Villa kein Telefonanschluß funktionierte find ich mehr als merkwürdig, gehört es doch zu den wichtigsten Erledigungen bei einem Wohnsitzwechsel (b. mir zumindest).
Auch fiel bei dem Notruf nicht einmal der Name des Patienten ( das fand ich schon immer seltsam), sonst hätte man doch sofort gewußt, wo man hin muß!


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 14:35
da geb ich dir recht ( war selbst glücklicherweise noch nie in der Sit.), aber kann sein , dass der Anrufer vor lauter Aufregung vergessen hat, wem's da nicht gut geht.


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 14:35
Es gab bestimmt ein Telefon im Haus.

Es hies doch MJ wollte das man seinen Vater anruft. Wie sollte das denn gehen, wenn das Telefon nicht funktioniert. Oder hatten alle da nur Handys??

Und Michael selber hat doch bestimmt auch mal telefoniert. Allein schon um mit Liz Taylor oder mit Sony/AEG zu reden


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 14:39
sollte heißen:"vor lauter Aufregung vergessen hat, den namen d. patienten zu nennen, dem es da nicht gut geht"


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 14:41
Ja eben, die füllen uns hier die Taschen nach Strich u. Faden!


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 14:45
Ich war nie auf einem Konzert und wollte aber irgendwann mal hin. :( Das ärgert mich und wird mich noch ewig weiterärgern zumal er mir auch sehr leid tat. Wenn die Leute nicht mit seiner Art klarkamen, dann hätten sie sich nicht damit befassen sollen und fertig. Er hatte kein einfaches Leben aber wer weiss, was da im Krankenhaus alles gelaufen ist. Medien berichten da immer viel aber oft sieht die Wahrheit ganz anders aus. Michael hatte auch mal in einem Interview gesagt, das man nicht alles glauben soll, was die Medien berichten.


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 14:53
Ich möchte euch mal etwas interessantes im Hinblick auf Thome Thome zur Kenntnis bringen, leider ist es nur für Englischfreunde :(

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Alex Constantine's Blacklist

"...the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology. ... The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. ... As yet there is only one country which has succeeded in creating this politician’s paradise.” - Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, 1960.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Michael Jackson, Dr. Tohme Tohme, Frank DiLeo, Colony Capital & Anschutz
Also see: "Is there an Entertainment Octopus? Partners Anschutz (Michael Jackson®) and Kerzner (Global Gambling Oligarch)"

Video: "LaToya Jackson Indicates Michael was Murdered, Pt1," Larry King interview.

What LaToya Jackson said (People magazine): "The grieving sister of superstar Michael Jackson last night blamed ‘a shadowy entourage’ of manipulative hangers-on for effectively 'murdering' the King of Pop. ,.. She believes her brother was fed addictive drugs by handlers who wanted to control his moods. She says they regarded him as a ‘cash cow’ and exploited him at every turn. It was this, she believes, that led directly to his death. ... After returning from the hospital with the children and her mother to Katherine’s home, they received a troubling call from the Jackson mansion. It was Michael’s long-term assistant Michael Amin, a devout Muslim known as Brother Michael. He told La Toya that her brother’s Lebanese-born, self-appointed business manager Dr Tohme Tohme had fired all the staff at the Beverly Hills property and at a second rented home in Las Vegas. ‘I want to know how Michael died, and then, at 11pm on the day he dies, all the staff are fired?’ she asks rhetorically. ‘That raised my suspicions.’ ... While Michael regularly kept up to £1million in cash inside his home, La Toya says none was found. Nor was any of his vast collection of jewellery ...

"Someone went in there and did a good job."

"Murder," She Wrote (re the People Magazine LaToya J. Interview)

" ... LaToya, 53, a onetime Playboy model who was estranged from the rest of the Jackson family for a time in the early 1990s after she claimed her brother acted inappropriately with children, did not give any proof to back up her murder claim. She told the Mail that the family has received the results of a private autopsy it ordered, but she declined to reveal the findings of those tests. ...

"Reporter Graham said the choice of words from LaToya 'stopped me dead in my tracks,' prompting her to ask, 'Are you sure the word "murder" is what you want to use?' Jackson responded that she purposely chose that word. "He was surrounded by a bad circle," LaToya said in the interview. "Michael was a very meek, quiet, loving person. People took advantage of that. People fought to be close to him, people who weren't always on his side ... "
http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1616199/20090714/jackson_michael.jhtml (Archiv-Version vom 09.01.2010)

From: This is London, http://www.thisislondon.co.uk, on Tohme and manager Frank DiLeo (ties to Gambino Mafia Family), "Mystery over doctor who tried to save dying Jackson," 26.06.09:

" ... the man who allegedly tried and failed to resuscitate Michael Jackson following his heart attack - Dr Tohme Tohme has been described as Jackson's personal physician, close friend, manager and official spokesman. Today he stood silently by the side of Jermaine Jackson as he announced to the world that his brother had died. According to Jermaine, Dr Tohme was with Jackson when he collapsed at his rented home in Los Angeles yesterday and then tried to resuscitate the pop star. Asked for his reaction at the press conference, Dr Tohme simply replied that Jermaine would be the only representative for the family. According to close associates, Jackson and Dr Tohme had fallen out since coming to London in March to announce his comeback tour. Sources say they were no longer on speaking terms. Jackson is said to have formally notified associates last month that Dr Tohme, who paved the way for the deal for the This Is It tour, was not representing him after he received a cease-and-desist letter for the O2 residency from AllGood Entertainment, the company that had represented the Jackson 5. ... The row had led to Jackson re-connecting with Frank DiLeo, who managed the singer in his Eighties heyday. ... "
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23712784-details/Mystery+over+doctor+who+tried+to+save+dying+Jackson/article.do (Archiv-Version vom 02.07.2009)

From: DasGOAT

A "self-made financier with a murky past" who was "a close personal friend of Tom Barrack, CEO of Colony Capital" and who also personally negotiated the concert deal with [Anschutz's] AEG Live, Tohme "had stiff competition from others who wanted to take over Jackson’s finances."

http://www.nypost.com/seven/06262009/news/nationalnews/dr__tohme__i_wasnt_there_when_jacko_died_176274.htm (Archiv-Version vom 19.08.2009)

Dr. Tohme

Earlier today, the Los Angeles police department said detectives had briefly spoken to Jackson's "personal physician" - whom they would not identify -- shortly after Jackson's death, but wanted to speak to him again.

At first, reports identified the doctor at Jackson's side as Dr. Tohme Tohme. But he told The Post he wasn't the doctor at the scene. [Contrast this with Jermaine Jackson/Dr. Tohme statements in the This is London excerpt above - they are irreconcilable - AC.]

Jackson’s mysterious adviser Tohme opens up: ‘I built a fence around Michael to keep people out,’ says Dr. Tohme Tohme, an advisor to Michael Jackson, stands in front of a painting of Jackson titled "The Book," by artist Brett-Livingstone Strong, in the law office of Dennis Hawk in Santa Monica, Calif., on Friday, July 3.

David Zentz / AP
updated 4:07 p.m. PT, Sat., July 4, 2009

LOS ANGELES - Dr. Tohme Tohme vividly remembers the first time he met with Michael Jackson to discuss the pop star’s finances. It’s not the money talk that stays with him now, but his enchantment at entering Jackson’s world of love.

“I saw how kind he was and what a wonderful human being,” Tohme said in an interview. “I saw him with his children and I had never seen a better father. ... I decided to do what I could to help him.”

Tohme, a financier with a murky past, had been contacted by Jackson’s brother, Jermaine, who asked if Tohme could help to save Jackson’s beloved Neverland ranch from foreclosure. Tohme said he traveled with Jermaine to Las Vegas, where Jackson was living after years of wandering the world following his acquittal on child molestation charges.

They bonded instantly. “For the last year and a half I was the closest person to Michael Jackson,” Tohme said. He contacted Tom Barrack, the chairman of Colony Capital and a close personal friend. “He was hesitant to get involved, but I said, ‘Let’s go see Michael,’” Tohme recalled.

After the meeting he said Barrack, who was impressed with Jackson’s “intelligence and focus,” bought the note for Neverland. But that was just the beginning of a business relationship that culminated in the London concerts that were to have begun next week.

Wearing a suit with no tie, Tohme, Jackson’s last business manager and spokesperson, granted his first interview Friday to The Associated Press in the office of a lawyer friend.

‘I’m a private man’

Tohmen, listed in public records as being in his late 50s, has been portrayed as something of a mystery man in the Jackson brain trust.

“I hate the words ‘mystery man,’” he said. “I’m a private man. A lot of people like the media and I don’t. I respect the privacy of other people but lately nobody respects mine.”

As he spoke, his cell phone rang constantly. He took only a few calls, one of them from Jesse Jackson.

He has been stung by allegations that he was involved with the Nation of Islam, which he said was untrue.

“I have nothing against anybody,” he said, “But I don’t know anyone from the Nation of Islam. When I took over Michael Jackson’s affairs, I fired some people from the Nation of Islam.”

It is known that he is of Lebanese descent. His double name — pronounced toh-MAY’ — is not uncommon in the Middle East. But he declined to go into detail about his own life and career other than to say he is a U.S. citizen who was raised in Los Angeles and, “I’m a self-made man. I’m in the world of finance.”

“I don’t want to talk about me,” he said. “I’m a nobody. I’m not important. I want to talk about Michael Jackson.”

At times he appeared on the verge of tears as he discussed Jackson’s death, saying, “It’s unbelievable ... I’m devastated ... God bless his soul.”

He said that by talking about Jackson, he was fulfilling one of the star’s wishes.

“He always said to me, ‘I want people to really know who I am after I’m gone.’”

‘I’m a stranger to this business’

He would only briefly discuss Jackson’s finances. During his time with the superstar, Tohme said, he was paid nothing but was able to negotiate lucrative business deals that would secure the future of Jackson’s children. He followed a long line of business managers and spokespeople who had come and gone from Jackson over the years. In the final year, he said he played a pivotal role in turning things around.

His negotiations for Jackson included a Broadway show with the Nederlander organization, an animated TV show based on “Thriller,” a line of clothing including “moonwalk shoes,” and more. He said he was working with others to renegotiate the terms of Jackson’s main assets, his share of the Sony-ATV Music Publishing Catalog — which includes music by the Beatles — and the catalog of Mijac, the company that controls Michael Jackson’s own music.

“I am not in the music business. I’m a stranger to this business,” Tohme said, noting that he had stiff competition from others who wanted to take over Jackson’s finances.

“I built a fence around Michael to keep people out,” he said, acknowledging that he cut costs by firing many members of the Jackson staff, including security guards. And he twice fired the children’s nanny, Grace Rawaramba, on Jackson’s orders.

“I was trying to do what we could to maximize his profits and minimize spending. I wanted to find a way to reel in all the loans he had.

“We had an agreement,” Tohme continued. “I would never interfere with his creative decisions and he wouldn’t interfere with my business decisions.”

Tohme said he abandoned everything he was doing in his own life to concentrate his time and effort on Jackson’s affairs. He points with pride to the crown jewel of his and the new Jackson team’s efforts: the contract with AEG for concerts at the 02 arena in London.

He said Jackson was looking forward to the concerts because he wanted his children to see him perform.
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,509076,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 30.08.2009)

[In an apparent conflict of interest,] Tohme Tohme [has] business relationships with both Michael Jackson (as manager and President of MJJ Productions) and with Colony Capital (a client of Mr. Tohme’s TRW Advertising) ...

The website for Tohme’s TRW Advertising (Tohme, Rogich, & Weller) (www.trw-adv.com) is not accessible to the public (it's client-only and password-protected).

Posted by Alex Constantine at 2:10 PM

diana said...


October 13, 2009 9:25 PM
Andre said...

TOHME was MJ's spokesperson and manager. TOHME WAS NOT MJ's PERSONAL PHYSICIAN, and Jermaine never stated that he was. Media reports saying that TOHME was MJ's personal physician are FALSE. Jermaine was referring to CONRAD MURRAY as MJ's personal physician.

TOHME did NOT fire all the staff the day MJ passed.


Also, FRANK DILEO was the perosn named in the ALLGOOD lawsuit against MJ. TOHME is NOT named in the lawsuit. It's DILEO supposedly signed a contract with a New Jersey concert promoter to do a Jackson Family reunion tour, even though many of the family members supposedly claimed to know nothing about it at , and even though FRANK DILEO wasn’t even MJ”s manager at the time he signed the contract. TOHME WAS.

FRANK DILEO was possibly hired by MJ or AEG sometime in April for the O2 concerts.
November 2, 2009 12:46 PM

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+ Roland Carnaby’s Widow Sues, Claims Husband was Me...
+ The Paul Wellstone Murder Revisited
+ CIA Officer Charged in Algiers Rape
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Michael Jackson's Pedophilia/Mafia & Fascist Ties/Media Cover-Ups/Death

* - Michael Jackson had Jab to Curb Sex Urges for Young Boys
* - Michael Jackson was Guilty of Pedophilia - Those who Defend Him have been Misled
* - Professional Pedophile Apologist Mary Fischer Cited in Defense of Michael Jackson
* - FLASHBACK: "Michael Jackson Guilty As Sin, Free as a Bird"
* - Book Review: Aphrodite Jones's "The Michael Jackson Conspiracy" is a Whitewash
* - Teenage New Edition take Dancing Lessons from Michael Jackson
* - New Biography Offers that Michael Jackson was "Attracted to Young Adult Men"
* - Michael Jackson's D.C. Story
* - Michael Jackson & Al Malnik, Mafia Successor to Meyer Lansky
* - Miami Doctor Prescribed Michael Jackson Lethal Drugs, Introduced Him to Mafioso Al Malnik, Contributes Heavily to GOP
* - Re Michael Jackson & Al Malnik, Mafia Successor to Meyer Lansky
* - Is there an Entertainment Octopus? Partners Anschutz (Michael Jackson®) and Kerzner (Global Gambling Oligarch)
* - Michael Jackson, Dr. Tohme Tohme, Frank DiLeo, Colony Capital & Anschutz
* - Michael Jackson was Terrified of Dr. Tohme Tohme
* - CIA/Mafia Media Shill Gerald Posner Claims that Michael Jackson "Killed Himself"
* - Michael Jackson's Death has been Ruled a Homicide
* - Jackson Time of Death a Mystery, Murray's "Script"/MJ Believed Entourage was Poisoning his Food
* - Michael Jackson and the Fellowship Foundation Cult
* - MJ and Shiv Sena

Flight 3407 Crash

* • Tragedy of the 9/11 Widow ... GenocideGate Ties ... Northrop Grumman and the Buffalo Crash ... and a PRIOR, Related Airplane Crash
* • Other Passengers of Note on Flight 3407/UPDATE - The Audio Reveals Ice was not a Factor in the Crash
* • A Parmalat Scandal Connection to the Flight 3407 Crash
* • Buffalo Crash Investigator once held Nuclear Codes
* • Buffalo Call to Action: Stop hate group from tarnishing Flight 3407 victims
* • NY State Police Conduct Illegal, Frantic Search for Video of Flight 3407 Crash Response, Illegally Confiscate the Camera and Delete Sections of Tape
* • Flight 3407 and Middle Eastern Banking, Oil and Parapolitical Terrorism, LLC-CIA
* • ICE?
* • Kreindler & Kreindler Cons the Public with a Cover Story
* • Icing Didn’t Affect Plane in Buffalo Crash, NTSB Says
* • Pastor Eastlack Joins the CIA & the Return of the Cheney Clîque
* • Judge Hearing Survivor Suits is a GHW Bush Appointee, Ford Found. Fellow & he Committed Constitutional Violations in Leonard Peltier Case
* • Aviation "Expert" Randall Brink's Fraudulent Resumé
* • Who is Acting NTSB Chairman Mark V. Rosenker?
* • Bugs Bombs & Bucks - Military Bio-Terrorism Connections/The Origin of Swine Flu
* • Enter a Scientology Legal Front & Yet Another Biotech Connection
* • The Origin of Swine Flu Revisited - 60 MINUTES Report, Nov 4, 1979
* • More Swine Flu Profiteers
* • Two Passengers Worked for Invacare Corp. - with Facilities 1.8 MILES from the Boy in Elyria Diagnosed with Swine Flu
* • Two Flight 3407 Attorneys Die in Plane Crash
* • Alison Des Forges Reconsidered
* • "Pilot Error" or Stall? Accident or Design?
* • Was First Officer Rebecca Shaw "Fatigued?"
* • "Chit-chat" was NOT a Factor
* • Op-Ed - Casting Blame on Pilots? by James Raider


* "Theatre of the Absurd": Ben Bernanke's Love Song for Fascist Economist Milton Friedman/Friedman & the Politics of ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

A Boston Globe Mockingbird



* Bailout of AIG, the CIA & Covert Operations
* Execs of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, AIG Convicted of Conspiracy/Fraud Caused "Big Investor Loss" at AIG Unrelated to Mortgage Mess
* Exactly How "Adversarial" were AIG and Eliot Spitzer?
* Wealth Transfer
* AIG: Confiscate Hank Greenberg's Wealth
* AIG Price Tag: $1,400 Per Taxpayer Family
* AIG Chief didn't Always Defend Sanctity of Contracts
* A Meek Ending For Mighty Unit That Gutted AIG
* Warren Buffett's Re-Insurance Lieutenants En Route to Prison: Ex-Gen Re Exec Gets Jail Time, $100K Fine In AIG Fraud Case
* AIG Ordered to Pay Defrauded Investors $1.2b

* MediaBistro.com is a CIA Front


* The Corporate Roots of Auschwitz
* The Farish Family's Auschwitz Profits and Connections
* German car company 'used hair from Jews murdered at Auschwitz'
* Infamous Auschwitz Tattoo Began as an IBM Number
* Hitler's Chemists Chased Auschwitz Profits, Financed Mengele
* A Memoir from the Daughter of Auschwitz Commandant Arthur Liebehenschel


* CIA's Nazi Angel of Death Josef Mengele 'Created Twin Town in Brazil'
* The Entire Fascist US Geopolitical Game Plan Exposed in a Single Minor Obama Appointment
* Duncan & Blake "Suicides" Solved
* Max Holland's Fake Book on JFK Murder Lauded by the Propaganda Press
* Attending Physician: Jimi Hendrix was WATERBOARDED to Death w/Red Wine

* Cocaine & Sex at Bush's Department of the Interior

* The "Hope" Hoax (B): Behind Obama's 'State Secrecy' Torture Defense
* The "Hope" Hoax (C): AG Eric Holder & Chiquita, Covington, Negroponte, Bolton, Colombian Death Squads

Übermensch Returns
The Path to 9/11

* Parts 1-8
* Parts 9-16
* Part 17

* The CIA-Sponsored Assassination of Carlos Muñiz Varela

Profiles of America's Beloved TV Celebrities

* Michael Moriarty
* Pat Boone
* CNN's Richard Quest, Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper
* Jennifer Garner, Rachael Seymour & Robert De Niro
* Tom Hanks & Julia Roberts
* Lillo Brancato, Jr
* Whither Came Oprah Winfrey?
* Kiefer Sutherland
* Commercial Break (1): The CIA in Hollywood
* General Petraeus
* Fox News' Criminal Pundits
* William Bennett
* Laura Schlessinger
* Sean Hannity
* Cinema's Exiles: From Hitler to Hollywood
* Dennis Hopper
* John Voight
* Winona Ryder
* Ron Jeremy
* Sterling Hayden
* Catherine Deneuve
* Kevin Spacey
* Eartha Kitt
* Eric Braeden
* Gary Cooper and Victor McLaglen
* Fred Barnes
* Mort Kondracke
* Greta Van Susteren
* Commercial Break (2): The Politics of Heroin at Fox News
* Vietnam-Era ABC News Correspondent Sam Jaffe
* Dean Martin
* Abba
* Mickey Rourke
* Steven Seagal
* Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell
* Commercial Break (3): The CIA in Hollywood (Continued)
* Stephen Baldwin
* Joe Scarborough
* Commercial Break (4): The Greediest Man in Hollywood
* Michelle Malkin
* Heather Locklear
* Laura Ingraham
* Chuck Norris
* Mark Everett (l) and Mark Everett (ll)
* Helen Mirren
* Greg Jarrett
* Commercial Break (5): Joe Kennedy's Hollywood Years
* John Belushi
* Amber Smith
* Gloria Estefan
* Billy Bush
* Diane Sawyer
* Kirk Cameron


WhIte List

* White Watch
* MediaMonarchy.com
* Alliance to Stop Slavery and Human Trafficking
* VictorSRMoore
* Black Agenda Report
* ce 399
* CorpWatch
* Crazy as a Loon
* Hidden from History
* The Narcosphere
* No More Mister Nice Blog
* PR Watch
* School of the Americas Watch

The brute physics of time rule out long-winded responses, but I can be reached at:


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Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 15:39

Nur so aus Neugierde ... was willst du damit jetzt sagen?


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 15:52
Ich wollte damit nichts sagen, außer daß ich gelesen habe, daß es, zum Teil jedenfalls,um den Dr. TT ging und welche Rolle er vermutlich in diesem ganzen Geschäftsverhältnis gespielt haben könnte. Leider muß ich "könnte" sagen, weil ich das nicht so übersetzen kann (leider fehlende Englischkenntnisse als ehemaliger Ossi) , daß es einen vernünftigen Sinn ergibt. In einer eventuellen Diskussion hätte ich dann erfahren können, worum es hier tatsächlich geht.
Vorab habe ich aber die Googleübersetzung genutzt. :)


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 16:03

Ich hatte mich nur gefragt, was Thome Thome nun mit

Flight 3407 Crash
A Boston Globe Mockingbird
Bailout of AIG, the CIA & Covert Operations
Execs of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, AIG Convicted of Conspiracy/Fraud Caused "Big Investor Loss" at AIG Unrelated to Mortgage Mess
Exactly How "Adversarial" were AIG and Eliot Spitzer?
Wealth Transfer
AIG: Confiscate Hank Greenberg's Wealth
AIG Price Tag: $1,400 Per Taxpayer Family
AIG Chief didn't Always Defend Sanctity of Contracts
A Meek Ending For Mighty Unit That Gutted AIG
Warren Buffett's Re-Insurance Lieutenants En Route to Prison: Ex-Gen Re Exec Gets Jail Time, $100K Fine In AIG Fraud Case
AIG Ordered to Pay Defrauded Investors $1.2b
The Corporate Roots of Auschwitz
The Farish Family's Auschwitz Profits and Connections
German car company 'used hair from Jews murdered at Auschwitz'
Infamous Auschwitz Tattoo Began as an IBM Number
Hitler's Chemists Chased Auschwitz Profits, Financed Mengele
A Memoir from the Daughter of Auschwitz Commandant Arthur Liebehenschel
CIA's Nazi Angel of Death Josef Mengele 'Created Twin Town in Brazil'
The Entire Fascist US Geopolitical Game Plan Exposed in a Single Minor Obama Appointment
Duncan & Blake "Suicides" Solved
Max Holland's Fake Book on JFK Murder Lauded by the Propaganda Press
Attending Physician: Jimi Hendrix was WATERBOARDED to Death w/Red Wine
Cocaine & Sex at Bush's Department of the Interior
The Path to 9/11
The CIA-Sponsored Assassination of Carlos Muñiz Varela


zu tun hat ...


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 16:08
Sorry, das muß versehentlich beim Kopieren mit eingeflossen sein. Habe das so gar nicht bemerkt. Ich hätte es mit noch einmal ansehen müssen.


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 16:15
Ich komme nochmal auf einen Artikel zurück, aus dem geht hervor, das Murray den Totenschein nicht unterschreiben wollte, weil er an genommen hätte, dass sonst MJ obduziert werden würde und ABER wenn er ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wird und dort verstirbt, dann würde KEINE Obduktion angeordnet werden -
Das würde vielleicht erklären, warum er so drauf bedacht war, dass MJ ins Krankenhaus kommt !
Er hat doch immer behauptet MJ sei nicht tot gewesen, oder ......?????

Der Artikel dazu ist vom 16.08.2009
News of the World

http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz/michael_jackson/454405/Bombshell-report-leaves-Michaels-doctor-with-some-tricky-questions-to-answer.html (Archiv-Version vom 19.08.2009)

hier mit googleübersetzer


Ich wollte eigentlich darauf hinaus, dass Dr. Murray vielleicht, den Totenschein bewußt NICHT unterschrieben hatte, weil er davon ausgegangen ist, wenn sie MJ mit ins Krankenhaus nehmen und dort den Tod feststellen würden, dann evtl. die Wahrscheinlichkeit bestünde, dass sie MJ NICHT obduzieren werden.

Vielleicht wollte er ja damit verhindern, dass jemals die genaue Todesursache festgestellt werden würde. Die Ärzte wären evtl. eh davon ausgegangen, dass MJ an Drogenmissbrauch/Drogenüberdosis/Herzinfarkt gestorben sei.

Und nun kam es aber doch anders, als es Dr. Murray vielleicht vermutet hätte.


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 16:21

Warst du mal wieder bei E Casanova auf seiner Seite?
Da steht jetzt er ist nicht Tot,ist nicht Krank und war es wohl auch nicht.
Das stand sonst nie da,finde ich echt unheimlich das er sowas schreibt...../dateien/uh59460,1263828111,ohnein


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 16:36

Er (oder sein Manager) wird einfach die Schnauze voll haben von den hundert Mails, die taeglich ankommen mit der Frage: "Are you dead?" :D :cool:


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 16:41
ja mag sein das man tatasache den namen vergisst vor lauter aufregung,aber wenn mj vor mir liegt,hhmm


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 16:41

Wenn er schon mehr als eine Stunde Tot war oder sogar länger, frag ich mich wie die ganzen Zeitangaben zustande kamen und wann er nun vom Doc das Propofol bekommen hat,das stimmt doch vorn und hinten nicht.Vielleicht war Mj wirklich schon Stunden nicht mehr am leben und Murray hat ihm das Propofol lange nach seinem Tot gespritzt damit man nicht mehr genau raus finden kann, woran er wirklich gestorben ist ??


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 16:42
Ernährungsberaterin von Michael, Cherilyn Lee hat ihm eine Radikaldiät verschrieben.
Er wollte sich für die Konzerte vorbereiten.Und ernährte sich nur aus Säfte und Shakes.
Ab und zu nahm er auch Gebratenes Hühnchen.
Nichts mit Vegetarier, wie man so behauptet.
Hier der Link.
Folgt im Bericht den angegebenen Link kommt mehr vom Bericht.

Kennt jemand den Namen von einer der ex-Frauen von Murray?
Und in welcher der Praxen arbeitet er wieder,in Houston? oder in Vegas?


Michael Jackson - wird es zur Verurteilung kommen

18.01.2010 um 16:43
kann mir einer schreiben was hanika gepostet hat?kann leider auch kein englisch,so als kurze zusammenfassung,wäre echt dankbar
