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dabei seit 2014Unterstützerin
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Simplizissimus schrieb:Wieso hast du Filmaufnahmen von meinem Paarungstanz, unmöglichst Oo:note:
hank you for asking, I just don't know the perfect way to tell you what I need your help with, and I don't intend to send you a long message and I don't like to beat around the bush I will go straight to the point, I want to stipulate you as a "Next of kin" to an account with the bank where i work, with the professionalism of a reputable law firm here in Hong Kong. The account owner passed away a long time ago and he doesn't have next of kin to inherit his six million US dollars at my bank, why I want us to inherit this fund is because if we don't get it, at the expiration of 15 years the funds will revert to the Hong Kong Government, is already a few years left.Quelle:
Please be informed that in an issues of inheritance, the next of kin can be anybody, it is not mandatory for the next of kin to be related to the deceased, it doesn’t even matter if you are from different countries, the most important thing is there must be documents to show for it, which would stipulate your status as the sole next of kin to the funds deposited at my bank, the entire transaction should be over in few days if we act fast. We will share the funds at 50% each. If you agree to help me please reply, I will send you a few more details on how we can pull this off alongside my IDs and Pictures for you to have a sense of who you are dealing with. Please delete my emails if you can't help me.
Hailey25 schrieb:SchuleIch habe in der Schulzeit meiner Kinder unzählige Zirkel und Geodreiecke kaufen müssen. Irgendwie sind die immer verschwunden/kaputt gegangen...
nairobi schrieb:Irgendwie sind die immer verschwunden/kaputt gegangen...Die wurden alle geklaut - die hab alle ich *Knihihihihihiiiiiii*
nairobi schrieb:GeodreieckeDa sind es doch immer die Spitzen die abbrechen.