Angeflirtet/Angemacht werden?! Kopf weg drehen oder wie reagieren?
26.11.2005 um 15:18Aber selbst beim Einkaufen machts Spass, ausserdem hält´s frisch, wenn Frau merkt, dass sie (noch) irgendwie Ausstrahlung hat !
und du denkst nicht, dass du damit deinem partner schon in gewisser weise "fremdgehst" ??
"You know how I stayed alive this long? Fear. Fearsome acts. A man steals from me, I cut off his hand. If he lies to me, I cut out his tongue. If he stands up against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike and lift it up for all to see. A spectacle of fearsome acts. That's what maintains the order of things. Fear."
und du denkst nicht, dass du damit deinem partner schon in gewisser weise "fremdgehst" ??
"You know how I stayed alive this long? Fear. Fearsome acts. A man steals from me, I cut off his hand. If he lies to me, I cut out his tongue. If he stands up against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike and lift it up for all to see. A spectacle of fearsome acts. That's what maintains the order of things. Fear."