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Geistige Transformation
20.03.2018 um 12:34Hallo Freunde, hab was interessantes gefunden.
Hier mal der zugehörige Text:
Reconstruction of visual images from human brain activity measured by fMRI To reconstruct visual images, we first decoded (translated) measured brain activity patterns into deep neural network (DNN) features, then fed those decoded features to a reconstruction algorithm. Our reconstruction algorithm starts from a given initial image and iteratively optimizes the pixel values so that the DNN features of the current image become similar to those decoded from brain activity. Left: Presented images. Right: Reconstructed images. The iterative optimization process is shown.
Ne spannende Sache, erinnert mich ein wenig an den Telepathie Praxis Thread und die Versuche hier.
Aber gut ich schweife ab.^^
Deep image reconstruction: Natural images
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Hier mal der zugehörige Text:
Reconstruction of visual images from human brain activity measured by fMRI To reconstruct visual images, we first decoded (translated) measured brain activity patterns into deep neural network (DNN) features, then fed those decoded features to a reconstruction algorithm. Our reconstruction algorithm starts from a given initial image and iteratively optimizes the pixel values so that the DNN features of the current image become similar to those decoded from brain activity. Left: Presented images. Right: Reconstructed images. The iterative optimization process is shown.
Ne spannende Sache, erinnert mich ein wenig an den Telepathie Praxis Thread und die Versuche hier.
Aber gut ich schweife ab.^^