My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
21.08.2015 um 00:08Nordkoreas Armee befindet sich nun im Kriegszustand und Südkorea hat seine Armee in die höchste Alarmbereitschaft versetzt. Hoffentlich wird das das Ende vom Kleinen Dicken.
Sure, not desirable but they could still hold the entire world hostage and after a week of perpetual night pegasi would give in because they don't wanna take that chance. Also, it would be VERY unwise to wage war against the unicorns any further because I don't think that any unicorn can help raising the sun and moon. They wouldn't want to cripple the unicorns that badly that they couldn't raise the sun anymore even if they wanted to.LucyDolphin schrieb:My bad, I didn't remember that. Like you said, it isn't desirable for unicorns to do that and thus highly unlikely to happen even in such a scenario.
Potions? Like what, a drug? Technology would be the better method to wreak havoc in Equestria because humans have build very powerful weapons like nuclear weapons. But the technology in Equestria isn't advanced enough to be really dangerous. I'd say they're roughly on the technological level of the industrial revolution. They have steam engines, so I'd say that our technology is about 150 years ahead of their level.LucyDolphin schrieb:That was more or less a joke. I was implying that someponies could devote their life to the study of potions or even technology for example and use this knowledge for evil, wrecking havoc in Equestria.
Average pony or not, the security there seems to be pretty laid back. A smart unicorn with bad intentions like Sunset Shimmer as she stole the element of magic from Twilight can outsmart bored guards with little effort. She only blew her cover because of bad luck. But Twilight, at that time an alicorn, still couldn't stop her and Sunset escaped to Earth with the stolen crown.LucyDolphin schrieb:I got to admit that teleportation is still "cool" and useful to an extent, but I'm pretty sure that facilities like banks or restricted section in Canterlot are well guarded and have sufficient security in general.
You could argue that Twily, Pinkie and Spike managed to sneak into there but I doubt it would be that easy for your average pony :D
Sure, but I still think that Moondancer is one of the few unicorns who can teleport around. She studies pretty much anything under the sun and it's safe to assume that teleportation is one of these things.LucyDolphin schrieb:Being able to do this still requires much devotion and training which makes pretty uncommon, I guess. Also, pegasi can do pretty cool stuff too, creating whirlwinds with their wings, using their wings like a second pair of hooves, the natural ability to walk on clouds and manipulate the weather for examples. Wings are not on gracious but also quite versatile just like your horns.
Celestia is a monarch. And as such, she has a reputation to maintain. She can't just teleport around like her subjects. Sure, Celestia and Luna are powerful, they can teleport if they want to even if we haven't seen that yet. Anyway, it would also startle ponies and possible scare them if their immortal ruler pops outta nowhere without warning them. Trollestia, however, WOULD do that. :troll:LucyDolphin schrieb:Well, it hasn't been shown to us where her limits of teleportation are without the power of all 4 alicorns and since she still uses the train or balloon to travel it can be assumed that this is still the better means of travel. I concede that this may be primarily due to the fact that the mane six mainly travel together, but also Celestia uses her air carriage instead of simply teleporting to Ponyville :D
She wouldn't need her guards with her constantly or she could simply teleport them with her
This is my personal headcanon, nothing more. I can be wrong, though I don't really think that I am.LucyDolphin schrieb:You said it, it took a lot of energy and it was an extraordinary event so this might be different from your average day. It is very well possible that Twily can cover longer distances with teleportation than has been portrayed until now, though.
I still don't think that unicorns have the upper hand in this scenario, pegasi still have the ability to control the weather and could potentially work around not having the sun at their disposal or at least live longer than the unicorns. It would be pretty cold at night and as we all know, Cloudsdale is 1. closer to the sun so it would still be slightly warmer and 2. the warmth from the ground would rise into the sky too.El_Gato schrieb:Sure, not desirable but they could still hold the entire world hostage and after a week of perpetual night pegasi would give in because they don't wanna take that chance. Also, it would be VERY unwise to wage war against the unicorns any further because I don't think that any unicorn can help raising the sun and moon. They wouldn't want to cripple the unicorns that badly that they couldn't raise the sun anymore even if they wanted to.
I think the spell to move the celestial bodies is a fucking difficult one. Especially for a huge object like a star.
It's just that there is potentially more interesting stuff to study in Equestria than just magic. Since we can probably assume that Equestria shares more or less the same elements as our world, there is a wide range of possible chemical or technological creations^^El_Gato schrieb:Potions? Like what, a drug? Technology would be the better method to wreak havoc in Equestria because humans have build very powerful weapons like nuclear weapons. But the technology in Equestria isn't advanced enough to be really dangerous. I'd say they're roughly on the technological level of the industrial revolution. They have steam engines, so I'd say that our technology is about 150 years ahead of their level.
The Equestrian security isn't all that great, I give you that, but if a major incident like that happened, I'm pretty confident that they'd improve on that :P:El_Gato schrieb:Average pony or not, the security there seems to be pretty laid back. A smart unicorn with bad intentions like Sunset Shimmer as she stole the element of magic from Twilight can outsmart bored guards with little effort. She only blew her cover because of bad luck. But Twilight, at that time an alicorn, still couldn't stop her and Sunset escaped to Earth with the stolen crown.
But the average unicorn doesn't have interest in learning dangerous, yet powerful spells.
Can't really argue with that but in the end unicorn and pegasi abilities are both really versatile and I just tend to prefer having wings to a horn, not only aesthetically^^El_Gato schrieb:Sure, but I still think that Moondancer is one of the few unicorns who can teleport around. She studies pretty much anything under the sun and it's safe to assume that teleportation is one of these things.
I didn't say that pegasi can't do cool stuff, but unicorns have a magical swiss army knife attached to their heads.
And like I said, levitation alone enables them to do whatever in a large range of operation. And yes, pegasi can use their wings like hands, but that doesn't make it possible for them to manipulate several objects at once like unicorns can do.
I can agree with you here :DEl_Gato schrieb:Celestia is a monarch. And as such, she has a reputation to maintain. She can't just teleport around like her subjects. Sure, Celestia and Luna are powerful, they can teleport if they want to even if we haven't seen that yet. Anyway, it would also startle ponies and possible scare them if their immortal ruler pops outta nowhere without warning them. Trollestia, however, WOULD do that. :troll:
I think it is very difficult even for ponies like Twilight to teleport several living beings at once with her. She did that with Spike and he didn't like that at all.
I didn't mean to imply you were wrong, I was merely adding that this wasn't your ordinary situation and this had to be done at all costs. However, this doesn't mean that she has this massive amount of energy to use every day.El_Gato schrieb:This is my personal headcanon, nothing more. I can be wrong, though I don't really think that I am.
LucyDolphin schrieb:I still don't think that unicorns have the upper hand in this scenario, pegasi still have the ability to control the weather and could potentially work around not having the sun at their disposal or at least live longer than the unicorns. It would be pretty cold at night and as we all know, Cloudsdale is 1. closer to the sun so it would still be slightly warmer and 2. the warmth from the ground would rise into the sky too.
Sure, but they need much more advanced technology that could make non-spellcasters just as powerful as unicorns. Like computers and the internet. Not even necessarily weapons.LucyDolphin schrieb:It's just that there is potentially more interesting stuff to study in Equestria than just magic. Since we can probably assume that Equestria shares more or less the same elements as our world, there is a wide range of possible chemical or technological creations^^
Could be too late then. Who knows where Starlight Glimmer learned the spell to remove cutie marks. And even students of Celestia can go rogue like Sunset Shimmer.LucyDolphin schrieb:The Equestrian security isn't all that great, I give you that, but if a major incident like that happened, I'm pretty confident that they'd improve on that :P:
I prefer horns for aesthetically reasons. It is a symbol of power and you will say otherwise, but at least a horn doesn't cover a cutie mark like wings do. :P:LucyDolphin schrieb:Can't really argue with that but in the end unicorn and pegasi abilities are both really versatile and I just tend to prefer having wings to a horn, not only aesthetically^^
At least on something. :vv:LucyDolphin schrieb:I can agree with you here :D
I think that I can say I know the show and the EQG movies pretty good, so I analyze them and draw my conclusions. And one of these conclusions simply is that unicorns are the most powerful tribe.LucyDolphin schrieb:I didn't mean to imply you were wrong, I was merely adding that this wasn't your ordinary situation and this had to be done at all costs. However, this doesn't mean that she has this massive amount of energy to use every day.
In general though, you are probably right about her capabilities and reserves of energy she has at her disposal.
I was referring to the fact that heat rises and the surface of the earth without sunrays would be a lot colder than Cloudsdale I presume. Clouds are probably nicely isolating and you forgot that pegasi have control over the weather and can influence the winds.El_Gato schrieb:The case both in Earth and in Equestria. Also, the higher you go up, the stronger the wind blows. The heat from the ground would raise up, but it would be of no use to the pegasi. And cloudsdale my be a little bit closer to the sun, but that difference is irrelevant. 150 millions km distance Sun - Earth and let's say for the convenience of this discussion that this is the case in the equestrian solar system as well. And you forgot that the sun is of no use to either the pegasi nor the unicorns if there is perpetual night. :P:
Eeyup.El_Gato schrieb:Sure, but they need much more advanced technology that could make non-spellcasters just as powerful as unicorns. Like computers and the internet. Not even necessarily weapons.
I hope that those really dangerous spells are hidden well enough and guarded suffiently too. Otherwise that would be a tremendous lack of security.El_Gato schrieb:Could be too late then. Who knows where Starlight Glimmer learned the spell to remove cutie marks. And even students of Celestia can go rogue like Sunset Shimmer.
You bet I do, wings look beautiful and intidmidating when you spread them. Unlike your dildo on your forehead :trollking:El_Gato schrieb:I prefer horns for aesthetically reasons. It is a symbol of power and you will say otherwise, but at least a horn doesn't cover a cutie mark like wings do. :P:
We're not really getting anywhere concerning this particular statement :P:El_Gato schrieb:I think that I can say I know the show and the EQG movies pretty good, so I analyze them and draw my conclusions. And one of these conclusions simply is that unicorns are the most powerful tribe.
Let's say you're right and most of the unicorns die due to the lack of sunlight. That would doom the pegasi eventually as well because they can't manipulate the celestial bodies.LucyDolphin schrieb:I still believe that pegasi would last longer without sun than unicorns and I doubt they would take that risk even if they were just bluffing.
This can look intimidating because if a pegasus spreads its wings it simply makes him or her look bigger.LucyDolphin schrieb:You bet I do, wings look beautiful and intidmidating when you spread them. Unlike your dildo on your forehead :trollking:
Horns are ok, but I prefer wings by far^^
For me not so much anymore as well. Let's just declare a truce and call it a night. :vv:LucyDolphin schrieb:I guess we have to agree to disagree here and I think there isn't much more to discuss, at least not for me personally.
Unicorns rule! :trollking:LucyDolphin schrieb:You may have your last word though