My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
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My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
20.08.2015 um 23:30My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
20.08.2015 um 23:31My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
20.08.2015 um 23:31@El_Gato
Mit jeder Magie könnte man Scheiße bauen, wenn man wollte XD Ist genau so, wie mit Sportwaffen (auf die reale Welt mal bezogen). Mit nem Golfschläger kann man auch jemanden den Schädel einschlagen, dennoch sind Golfschläger legal. Ich gehe auch davon aus, dass in Equestria Dunkle Magie erlaubt ist, solange sie nicht zum Schaden eines Lebewesens eingesetzt wird.
Mit jeder Magie könnte man Scheiße bauen, wenn man wollte XD Ist genau so, wie mit Sportwaffen (auf die reale Welt mal bezogen). Mit nem Golfschläger kann man auch jemanden den Schädel einschlagen, dennoch sind Golfschläger legal. Ich gehe auch davon aus, dass in Equestria Dunkle Magie erlaubt ist, solange sie nicht zum Schaden eines Lebewesens eingesetzt wird.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
20.08.2015 um 23:34@Zerco
Ich denke mal, Starlights Zauber um Cutie Marks zu entfernen kann man getrost als Dunkle Magie einstufen.
Doch muss man dazu sagen, daß sie tatsächlich versucht haben könnte, eine bessere Gesellschaft zu schaffen. Aber das sehen wir dann beim Staffelfinale.
Ich denke mal, Starlights Zauber um Cutie Marks zu entfernen kann man getrost als Dunkle Magie einstufen.
Doch muss man dazu sagen, daß sie tatsächlich versucht haben könnte, eine bessere Gesellschaft zu schaffen. Aber das sehen wir dann beim Staffelfinale.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
20.08.2015 um 23:55@El_Gato
You could argue that Twily, Pinkie and Spike managed to sneak into there but I doubt it would be that easy for your average pony :D
Well, it hasn't been shown to us where her limits of teleportation are without the power of all 4 alicorns and since she still uses the train or balloon to travel it can be assumed that this is still the better means of travel. I concede that this may be primarily due to the fact that the mane six mainly travel together, but also Celestia uses her air carriage instead of simply teleporting to Ponyville :D
She wouldn't need her guards with her constantly or she could simply teleport them with her :P:
No, it wouldn't be. It is canon that unicorns can control the celestial bodies as well. In the episode Hearths Warming Eve it is said that the unicorns were responsible for raising the sun and moon before the foundation of Equestria and they had to do that until Celestia and Luna showed up.My bad, I didn't remember that. Like you said, it isn't desirable for unicorns to do that and thus highly unlikely to happen even in such a scenario.
Anyway, this countermeasure would kill ALL of the life on their Earth, so that means that unicorns have the power to doom the planet if they really want to. It's kinda like MAD in the cold war - mutually assured destruction.
The one who shoots first, dies second.
They could, but I think Zecora would refuse to tell them how to make dangerous and/or powerful potions unless they torture these informations outta her. But Zecora is smart. She could provide them with seemingly powerful potions but also make them poison themselves without their knowledge because she is a master of this art.That was more or less a joke. I was implying that someponies could devote their life to the study of potions or even technology for example and use this knowledge for evil, wrecking havoc in Equestria.
Maybe you're right, maybe you're not. Let's assume that you are and the greatest distance a unicorn can teleport are 50 m. That would still be extremely useful. Any given unicorn capable of teleportation could teleport into the homes of banks or wealthy ponies and rob their flanks. Or they could "break" into the restricted section of the Canterlot archives to learn powerful spells.I got to admit that teleportation is still "cool" and useful to an extent, but I'm pretty sure that facilities like banks or restricted section in Canterlot are well guarded and have sufficient security in general.
You could argue that Twily, Pinkie and Spike managed to sneak into there but I doubt it would be that easy for your average pony :D
We have only SEEN two unicorns who can teleport. That doesn't mean that Twilight and Sunset are the only ones capable to do that. There is a school for gifted unicorns for a reason. I think Moondancer can teleport too.Being able to do this still requires much devotion and training which makes pretty uncommon, I guess. Also, pegasi can do pretty cool stuff too, creating whirlwinds with their wings, using their wings like a second pair of hooves, the natural ability to walk on clouds and manipulate the weather for examples. Wings are not on gracious but also quite versatile just like your horns.
She was able to cancel out Twilight's bubble of silence. And Moondancer brings me to another good point...
Unicorns can use weapons in a superior way because they don't have to use their hooves. They can run around and still being fully enabled to use a stick, a sword or even bows and arrows.As I mentioned above, pegasi can use their wings more or less like hooves too giving them enough room to use all kinds of stuff simultaneously.
Anyway, I think that at least Twilight has no distance limit when it comes to teleportation. She wields A LOT of magical power, as we can clearly see here
Well, it hasn't been shown to us where her limits of teleportation are without the power of all 4 alicorns and since she still uses the train or balloon to travel it can be assumed that this is still the better means of travel. I concede that this may be primarily due to the fact that the mane six mainly travel together, but also Celestia uses her air carriage instead of simply teleporting to Ponyville :D
She wouldn't need her guards with her constantly or she could simply teleport them with her :P:
Sure, it took a lot of effort to vanquish that beast. But it was friggin' HUGE compared to ordinary ponies. She didn't only levitate that monster outta town, but also cast that music spell to put it to sleep.You said it, it took a lot of energy and it was an extraordinary event so this might be different from your average day. It is very well possible that Twily can cover longer distances with teleportation than has been portrayed until now, though.
It took a lot of energy and effort so I think she can use that energy as well to teleport whatever huge distance she wants to cover.
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
20.08.2015 um 23:56
My little Pony; Friendship is Magic 2.0
20.08.2015 um 23:57Banned from Equestria 1.5 *_*

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