Wie deutsch bist Du? The German Quiz
05.01.2014 um 10:38Der Titel sagts und hier gehts zum Test! (Archiv-Version vom 08.02.2014) Postet eure Ergebnisse einfach als Antwort...
Mein Ergebnis:
Schade, you only scored 23/40 pts, or 57%. You're officially 7% less German than the average.
You’ve much work to do, cultural misfit. Kipp all your windows, pour yourself a schorle, practice your klugscheissing and there might still be some hope for you yet.
Schade, I’m only 57% German, according to the very lustig “how German am I” test from Hipstery.com. Below the average of 64%. See if you can beat my score, Nachmacher.
Mein Ergebnis:
Schade, you only scored 23/40 pts, or 57%. You're officially 7% less German than the average.
You’ve much work to do, cultural misfit. Kipp all your windows, pour yourself a schorle, practice your klugscheissing and there might still be some hope for you yet.
Schade, I’m only 57% German, according to the very lustig “how German am I” test from Hipstery.com. Below the average of 64%. See if you can beat my score, Nachmacher.