@jackich denke eher, dass rhawn joseph richtig liegt, er geht auch nicht von einer gezielten manipulation unserer gene seitens dritter aus, wie sie sitchin immer postuliert. hier ist ein text u. a. zum thema sprachgen aus seiner sicht:
Joseph’s essay titles, such as The Myth of the Big Bang and The Myth of Darwinism, made him sound like a Creationist. But he’s not. Joseph argues (as have physicist Frederick Hoyle and Francis Crick, who identified DNA’s double helix) that life on earth probably arrived here on space debris. What’s different is that Joseph believes that life here was probably “genetically pre-coded.” Evolution, he maintains, is not random. Instead, DNA is intelligent. It acts on itself to create creatures that modify the environment, which in turn activates other genes — and thus evolution unfolds.
“Consider: A caterpillar spins a cocoon and later emerges as a moth. This metamorphosis is under genetic (and environmental) control. However, if that same metamorphosis took a million years, the Darwinians would claim that the appearance of design is an illusion.”
His main evidence for his theory of “evolutionary metamorphosis” is unexpressed genes. “Consider the language gene, know as FOXP2. FOXP2 existed prior to the evolution of language, and is found in the genome of other mammals including mice, rats, dogs, and cats, chimpanzees and so on, but in a non-activated form. Thus the language gene did not randomly evolve through random mutation. It existed prior to the evolution of human beings and prior to the evolution of language. The same can be said of those genes which give rise to religious and spiritual experiences — they existed prior to their activation and probably can be found in other species.”
According to Joseph, “The evidence increasingly indicates that intelligent life evolved from, and has as its source, intelligent life . . . which also leads to the possibility that intelligent life, in the form of modern humans, may continue to evolve and become more intelligent and more god-like. Over 90 percent of the approximately 31,000 genes in the human genome are silent and have yet to be expressed or activated.
“These silent genes, called introns, are what some scientists used to call ‘junk’ genes, but they contain untold treasures. We know, for example, that non-flowering plants can be made to flower by expressing silent genes. We could in theory make a chimpanzee talk.” He speculates that some of our silent genes would only be activated in radically different environments or on different planets.
http://www.spiritualityhealth.com/newsh/items/article/item_8595.html (Archiv-Version vom 23.11.2004)