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Stargate Peru - in english
11.12.2004 um 17:14These are photos of a "Stargate" found in stone in Peru. A local guide was wandering alone through the mountains in search of new places to take visitors and came across this gate. He was overwhelmed with emotion and broke "open". This was a gate he had seen in his dreams repeatedly since childhood.
The locals tell the story that the "Star People" came through this gate into our world and there was a time when even people from earth could travel through the gate and visit the worlds of the "gods". Shortly before the Conquistadors came the last representative or shaman-priest of the Star People walked through the gate into a blue light and vanished. Since then the gate has been closed. The locals also say that the gate can open again and will open again when we are back on the right path of the heart.
I am a Piece of God
No formula will ever work for long. Techniques are invented to take you beyond techniques. It doesn't matter how refined the technique of meditation is eventually it won't work. Why, because we are gods. And gods have free will, are free to create however they choose, beyond rules, beyond anything...free to create whole new universes. Techniques are helpers, tools, like a ladder that you use to get to the window, but when you reach the window into the new world you need to leave the ladder behind.
Your Intuition is your direct connect with Source, God, The Creator, Awareness, Consciousness, the energy that is you in it's core. This is You. And the magic is that this intuition if listened to and followed by everyone works in concert, synchronicity for everyone and the whole.
The Kingdom of Heaven is Within.... you cannot exist, you cannot be here if you aren't a piece of the Source, a piece of God. The energy that keeps your heart beating is Source, is God. The energy that keeps electrons and protons/neutrons in an atom from flying apart is God's thought. You are a piece of this larger consciousness.
Try saying:
I am a piece of God or
I am a piece of Awareness, Consciousness, Source, Love, whatever feels good to you.
I am a Christ of God
(Christ means cross-ing of worlds, where the eternal cracks through the crossing of dimensions/worlds into this world. Going back through your own Christ, crossing, gateway is the only way back to God.
There is no cookie cutter enlightenment. Everyone will have their own way home. Your intuition will take you home. And your journey will be enjoyable for you. What a miracle! The way home is enjoyable! Comfort and Joy! Fully enjoying is God. God-Source is ecstasy, fun, laughing, orgasm, enjoying, feeling filled with peace, love, everything. Do you think God would set it up that it would be difficult, painful, sacrificing, to reach Him. Would you as a parent do that to your kids? Give birth to them, send them out on their own, then go hide somewhere on a mountain top that is impossible to get to for a normal person and then say come find me and I will give you all the things you are looking for? That's crazy. That's the invention of priests who are interested in being between you and God for their own purposes of power, ego, control, etc. We're addicted to priests, religions, churches, difficulty, pain, struggle. You can choose to go home by loving God, by having a love affair with God, seeing God in everything. You can do it by simply becoming Awareness, by becoming the witness watching All passing by. You can choose your own way home.
You don't have to give up anything to find God!
It's never either /or, it's Both and More!
You don't have to give up anything to find God! In fact everything you do will be more enjoyable if you invite God, Consciousness, Awareness. The more awareness, the more energy you have while you're eating, watching the birds, smelling the flower, having sex, making money, dancing, swimming, walking, driving, the more fun it will be! Invite God into everything you do. Invite your higher more aware Self into everything you do! It will be a lot more satisfying.
For example , have you ever had a meal that was just so intensely satisfying, almost orgasmic they way the food tasted? And then you try to recreate it, you bring your friends to the same restaurant, or try to cook it again and it doesn't work? Why? Because it is you, you are bringing the en-joy-nment of love-God to the table. You are the source of the enjoying.
In fact whatever is enjoyable, en-joyning, joins you with God! whatever is bringing Joy into you, into your being, into your body, into your mind, your heart, your mouth, your ears, will bring you home. When you are doing what you enjoy you are centered in your self, and you are a piece of God.
"The first sign of spirituality is Joy!" (Swami Vivekananda)
"I have come to bring you Life and bring it more abundantly!" (Jesus Christ)
Enjoy the World!
Enjoy your Body!
Enjoy your kids!
Enjoy your parents!
Enjoy your friends!
Enjoy eating!
Enjoy making money!
Enjoy sex!
Enjoy your dog!
Enjoy your cat!
Enjoy watching TV!
Enjoy your car!
Enjoy being aware!
And be aware when it's not enjoyable anymore. Whatever you're doing, if it's not enjoyable anymore, stop. Do something else that you enjoy. When the joy is gone so is God.
God is the nearest of the near, the dearest of the dear. He is inside your heart beat. We spend our lives, literally ex-pend our lives, drain our life force in searching outside ourselves. It's crazy how easily we've been duped.
Do you Know that you have the right to become completely awake in God?
You by simply Being, being here, having been created, have the right and the ability, to become a self realized piece of God.
No one, nothing can stop you if you want to become completely awake in your self, in God.
You can become enlightened by running, by completely running and letting yourself become one with running, feeling the breeze, the sun, your body, and you melt into oneness. You can become enlightened by simply sitting in your garden and becoming one with the yellow rose, the gecko, the leaf falling from the tree. You can become enlightened by working to assist others, by cooking food for other people, by pouring your love into your cooking and serving it with love to those who'll receive it. You can become enlightened by completely appreciating nature, traveling to wilderness and experiencing the grandeur of Nature. You can become enlightened by competing/fighting/contesting with another. If you let yourself completely go in the battle you will find yourself on both sides and then the two will merge. You can become enlightened by completely saying yes to, the total craziness, uptightness, maniacal search for money, controlling each other, sexual fixations, hatred, war, in short all the "wrongs" that mankind perpetrates on each other, If you can say Yes to them, allow them to be, paradoxically they will stop, and you will become enlightened.
No need to push the saying, no efforting, no affirming, just say it. Say it through out your day, in the car, quietly in the grocery store, while you're at work, on the phone.
I am a piece of God.
God is a Beggar
We're bent on doing it the hard way seemingly. We don't have to. If we listen with our intuition, if we "be still and know that I am God." then we don't have to learn in shocking ways.
When hurricane Hugo hit Charleston S.C. my sister, who is a Christian and talks directly to spirit through Jesus the Christ, got a strong message from the "Holy Spirit" 4 days before the hurricane hit their area . The message was to buy lots of extra water store it at the house and then take her small kids and drive up into the mountains and stay in a motel. Her neighbors thought she was a little crazy and alarmist since the forecast was saying the hurricane would not hit Charleston but 100's of miles up the coast. Sure enough the hurricane hit Charleston and their neighborhood hard. The houses around hers were demolished by large trees falling on them. Around her house there were four trees laid down parallel with each side of the house but her house was untouched.
In a 100 years all the human bodies walking around today will be gone. All 6 billion of our bodies will be gone...in mangled heaps of bones, giant fires of cremation. All recycled.
Make your direct contact with the Creator today, S/He doesn't care what name you call it...you have the right and ability as a divine child to speak directly to the Creator of All things, you are a piece of this God. Without it your heart wouldn't tick, it is the electromagnetic force that holds each atom together, without it all the suns would stop shining...and you have a direct connection inside you to this creator. If you want to you can contact it, have direct communion. The easiest way is through your heart. Being honest with exactly what you feel and sincere in wanting to know why...all the pain, the fall from grace, wars, hate, etc...
God is a beggar...
We put him last all the time...
We do everything else first and then if we have time...maybe.
He's there...waiting...for you.
A Love Affair with God is the only solution.
Not the formal, fear based God of ritual and guilt and fear...that's not god, that's the other guy.
But the simple, He's your best friend, he's your daddy, your mom. Be completely honest with your heart, what hurts, what angers you...
As soon as you're ready S/He's right there.
He's a beggar. Waiting at your door.

Replace Your Fears with God
Imagine you are the donkey in front of the cart. I know it's not a flattering image...but aren't most of us economic or social rules robots run by our fears and desires?
Here are a few fears and desires that run just about all of us:
--I need money, must have money or I will be destitute, a "loser", I can't get love/pussy/security, must provide for my family etc.
--I must have a nice body or no one will love me, I must make up my face to look different than I really am every morning, I must exercise my body or I won't look good or I'll die from heart disease.
--I must be nice, polite, socially/politically/spiritually "correct" or people will think I'm weird, strange and if I don't fit in I will not survive, no one will give me their business, and I won't have any money and I will die alone and destitute.
--If I don't act according to society's rules I will be put away in a mental institution or jail. I must look at how others are acting and I can't follow my inner intuition but I must fit in and act like the others.
--I must give money and go to my church, mosque, temple or I will go to "hell" forever because "God so loved the world" that he set this plan up. Although it kind of feels like hell right here right now, hmm?
The "driver" (the ego, Satan, Lucifer, your boss, your dad, your mom, your teacher, your lover) is motivating you in two ways: with the carrot and the stick. (By the way management courses teach the "carrot and the stick" method to business managers).
Do you ever get to eat the carrot hanging on the stick out there in front of you? Or when you get it is it old and dried up and tasteless.
Does the fear (the stick beating you) feel good?
And finally one day you die in the middle of the street, with others rushing by being annoyed that you are holding them up. And you're immediately replaced with another donkey.
Do you think there is a way to drop being controlled by the fear and desire/the carrot and the stick?
What if there is a way of existing/living where you aren't tortured, controlled, run by desires and fear?
What if there is a life waiting for you of ease, love, play, real sex, plenty of whatever you want, anytime?
Is it worth exploring? Right Now, this lifetime?
Turn around and face the driver and say "NO!" or say nothing, simply stop, you are no longer controllable, able to be fooled, the false carrot is a lie, the whip you don't care about, "live free or die", you've given up.
Turn around and face your fears and replace them with God.
Your driver will metamorphose into the Divine Charioteer, God.
He will give you all the carrots you want. In fact after a while you won't want carrots, you will have had your fill.
No-thing Beats Communion
I am just sitting, Being,
Doing No-Thing, Being No-One,
Be Still and Know that I Am God
Now-here to go, Nothing to do, No one to see,
No Shoulds, no musts, no have to's,
Come Union,
Come unto and then
Into Me

Die Staaten blühen nur, wenn entweder Philosophen herrschen oder die Herrscher philosophieren.
Die schlimmste Art der Ungerechtigkeit ist die vorgespielte Gerechtigkeit.
- Platon -