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Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

144 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: UFO, Cash, Landrum ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:18
Zitat von LuminarahLuminarah schrieb:Der ist echt gut , das muss man sich merken.
Du hast völlig recht.
Das Problem haben hier aber beide Fraktionen.
Weder Pro,noch Kontra kann abschliessend etwas beweisen.

Man muss (?),sollte (?) sich an die plausibelste Lösungsmöglichkeit halten.


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:21

ICh überlese dich einfach gerne :D

Werde ich gleima guggn ^^


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:23
Hier bei uns werden gerade Manöver von Flugzeugen,Kampfjets und Kampfhubschraubern geflogen um Terrorabwehr zu testen.
Wirklich,geniale Action.
Die haben echt Spaß.
Bin total begeistert.
Und ich sehe gerade deutlich wie UFOs entstehen.
Die Flugmanöver der Helis sind unglaublich.
Die ziehen steil hoch,kippen seitlich weg,lassen sich fallen usw.
UFOs at his best...


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:30


So ganz doll gesund sieht es aber auch nicht aus,denke ich . Die Idee einer akuten Steahlenerkrankung hat schon was für sich . Auch nach den Symptomen:

Sometime between midnight and 2:00 am Vickie and Colby began to suffer similar symptoms like a sunburn condition and then diarrhea, vomiting, lingering weakness, skin sores and hair loss, although less severe.  It was a miserable night for all three victims. 
The following morning Betty was moved to Vickie's house and all three were cared for there. Over the next few days, Betty's symptoms worsened, with many large, painful blisters forming on her skin. When taken to a hospital emergency room on January 3, 1981, Betty could not walk, and had lost large patches of skin and clumps of hair. The burns and swelling altered Betty's appearance so radically that friends who came to visit her in hospital did not recognize her. Her hair began to fall out and her eyes became so swollen that she was unable to see for a week. She was released after 12 days, though her condition was not much better, and she later returned to the hospital for another 15 days."


Ich denke ,ich könnte auf so etwas verzichten.

1x zitiertmelden

Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:31

Wenn Du in soner Kotzschleuder sitzt ist das weniger faszinierend :D


Lumi....wo finde ich diese beiden Fälle? Entweder ich habs überflogen oder üüüüüüüberflogen -.-


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:31
UFOs at his best...

Tja ,nur das das mit dem Flugverhalten von den Ufos ,die nicht geklärt wurden ,wenig zu tun hat. Aber schön,das du das für dich zumindest geklärt hast.


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:32
Werde mich bei die melden,wenn ich es rausgesucht habe.


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:37
A radiologist who examined the witnesses' medical records for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) wrote, "We have strong evidence that these patients have suffered secondary damage to ionizing radiation. It is also possible that there was an infrared or ultraviolet component as well

Und offensichtlich gab es noch einen anderen Zeugen:
An oilfield laborer, Jerry McDonald, was in his back garden in Dayton when he saw a huge UFO flying directly overhead. At first, he thought it was the Goodyear airship, but quickly realized it was something else. "It was kind of diamond shaped and had two twin torches that were shooting brilliant blue flames out the back", he said. As it passed about 45 meters above him, he saw that it had two bright lights on it and a red light in the center.

Es bleibt halt ein interessanter Fall ,auch wenn ich persönlich hier eher an die Testung eines nuklearen Triebwerkes durch Militär denke.


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:40

Zitat von LuminarahLuminarah schrieb: Her hair began to fall out and her eyes became so swollen that she was unable to see for a week.
So detailliert habe ich den Fall noch nicht gelesen. Nur kurze Anrisse in Büchern. Allerdings wäre mir neu, dass geschwollene Augen jemals bei Strahlenvergiftung beobachtet wurde.


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 10:58
Zitat von smokingunsmokingun schrieb am 06.05.2011:radiation. It is also possible that there was an infrared or ultraviolet
Denke ,man muss auch diese Komponenten berücksichtigen


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 11:03
Interessant finde ich das diese Vorfälle in der "Blütezeit" der atomaren Entwicklung stattfanden.
Vermutlich wird es schon stimmen das es höchst irdische Objekte waren.


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 13:31
Bei Verstrahlungen muss man nicht direkt sterben hängt von der Dosis und dem Organismus ab. selbst bei den Arbeitern in Tschernobyl sind ja auch nicht alle krepiert.. wir wissen ja auch nicht welche art von Strahlung..jedenfalls wurden die ja schon sehr krank und die Symptome sprechen schon für eine Radioation..oder auch Vergiftung wäre gut möglich aber im bezug zum ufo fall ist wohl eher von Strahlung auszugehen...
Zitat von Prof.nixblickProf.nixblick schrieb:Gab es da nicht einen Polizisten der ein UFO verfolgt haben will und ebenfalls Strahlenschäden aufwies?
ja in Fresno gabs mal ein Officer der von einer UfO Begegnung sprach mit Sunburst Effekt der sah gemäss Zeugen aus wie ein "red lobster" .^^

"Doctors at Fresno Community Hospital told Amparano the burns appeared to be caused by microwaves"


.ich weiss das es einige solcher sunburst vorkommnisse gibt in bezug zu ufos aber ich hab die nirgends gespeichert.Deswegen hab ich ja nachgefragt.. dh. wer noch mehr interessantes findet ...darf das gerne hier posten :)




Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 14:33


Hier müsste man die Spreu vom Weizen trennen,ist der Versuch solche Fälle mal aufzulisten.


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 14:47

interessante Sammlung..danke für den link..


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 14:58
hier findet sich bestimmt auch was drin

http://www.nicap.org/regenc/RegEnc.pdf (Archiv-Version vom 14.07.2011)


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 15:15
1965 Florida Everglades Encounter (Flynn)

On March 12, 1965, James Flynn of East Fort Myers, Florida, an experienced woodsman, headed deep into the Everglades with his four hunting dogs. He had planned to spend several days there. On the night of the 14th his hunting dogs took after a deer. Later, hearing a sound like a gunshot, Flynn started up his swamp buggy and headed off in search of his dogs. One of his dogs had returned, which he had placed in its cage, and it accompanied him on his search for the others.

Around 1 a.m., on Monday, March 15th, Flynn spotted something unusual that he judged to be slightly over a mile away. Whatever it was, it was hovering, shaped like a broad, upside-down cone, an estimated 200 feet in the air above some cypress trees. After a while it began flying off toward the Northeast. After some 2 to 3 minutes, it returned to the same place, and hovered again, this time for an estimated 5 minutes. Then it took off toward the Southwest at a high rate of speed. Soon, however, it returned to the same location again. At this point, Flynn was only about a quarter of a mile away, and the object seemed to come down among some trees into a small knoll. Flynn figured, up to this point, that he was observing a helicopter of some sort, but then he began to study it through a pair of binoculars and he realized that he wasn't looking at a helicopter at all. Then he began to suspect that it was some secret craft from Cape Canaveral.

Flynn described the object as some 25 feet high, and twice that in its diameter. Up near the top were four tiers of two-foot-square square window-looking sections that emitted a yellowish glow. The thing was metallic, and seemed to be made of four-by-four plates that appeared to be held together with rivets. Around the base there was an orange-red illumination that seemed to cast a glow on the ground some 75 feet around its rim.

Sometime later he regains consciousness. Finding himself initially blind he lays there for a long while until he recovers a small amount of vision in his left eye. By this time, the sun is shining and its Tuesday morning. Flynn gathers up his dogs and makes his way to the home of Henry Osceola, a Seminole Indian who lived there in the Everglades swamp.

It isn't until noon Wednesday that Flynn returns home. He and his wife go immediately to pay a visit to ophthalmologist, Paul R. Brown. Dr. Brown finds Flynn’s vision 20/800 in his right eye, 20/60 in his left eye. He notes a slight bruise over his right brow. The left eye appeared normal, but in the right eye he could not see the retina.

Flynn complained of hearing reduction and numbness in his arms and hands following the encounter. Under careful observation and treatment by Dr. Harvie J. Stipe, a physician who had known Flynn for 25 years, Flynn was treated, and soon those symptoms disappeared. On March 26, Flynn, Dr. Stipe, and two others, returned to the encounter site in the Everglades, and there found a burned circle some 72 feet across. The circle looked like it had been swept clean of leaves, twigs, limbs -- normal forest debris. Eight cypress trees were scorched from their tops down to about halfway from the ground.

In October 1966, in a phone interview with Arizona physicist James E. McDonald, Flynn stated that the UFO was probably, he figured, some secret aircraft of ours, and that if he could ever prove it then somebody would pay for the good eye he used to have.

In July 1996, Flynn made a rare public appearance at Port Charlotte, Florida, where he stated: “I'm waiting for the day someone turns up the truth about this thing. I hope I live that long.”

Reference: The UFO Encyclopedia, The Phenomenon from the Beginning, Volume 1:A-K, by Jerome Clark. Omnigraphics, Inc., Penobscot Building, Detroit, MI 48226. 1998. ISBN: 0-7808- 0097-4.


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 15:38
Ach ja ,und natürlich dieser Klassiker:


The scope of this intense investigation cannot be understated. The Falcon Lake case may well be one of the most intensely investigated well-documented on record. The case presents a number of elements of particular interest to researchers:

1. Michalak's burns and other physiological effects;
2. the ground traces found at the site;
3. radioactivity allegedly associated with the site;
and 4. mysterious metal fragments found at the site.
All of the available data associated with each of these elements will be examined in turn.

Ist ähnlich ,wie der zuvor gepustete Fall


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 16:51

Wäre nett wenn du für die nicht-englischsprachigen User eine kurze Inhaltsangabe auf Deutsch postest.


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 19:20
Ich hole es noch nach, habe heute leider keine Zeit mehr:-).


Der Cash - Landrum Fall! ->2. Art!

17.10.2012 um 19:22

ich kann zwar english lesen, aber ich verstehe nicht, was ich las.

