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Stanley Fluham sagt UFO-Besuch nächstes Jahr voraus
06.12.2010 um 23:12UFO-Besuch im nächsten Jahr - was haltet ihr davon ?
In my last ‘Reading’ with the Transcendors on Tuesday, October 2010, the Transcendors advised me of the following predictions on the Pleiadian’s UFO displays: (A) There will be a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011. (B) This ‘display’ will be followed by a major display over London approximately seven days later. (C) Interventions will then accelerate, not so much over our cities, but dispersed over our continents with sightings increasing in duration. The intent of these interventions is to increase mankind’s acceptance of the alien phenomena, so that hopefully, we will be prepared to accept a face-to-face encounter and communicate, perhaps as early as next year (2011).
Quellen: (Archiv-Version vom 08.12.2010)
In my last ‘Reading’ with the Transcendors on Tuesday, October 2010, the Transcendors advised me of the following predictions on the Pleiadian’s UFO displays: (A) There will be a major UFO display over Moscow between the end of the first part of January 2011 and the second week of January 2011. (B) This ‘display’ will be followed by a major display over London approximately seven days later. (C) Interventions will then accelerate, not so much over our cities, but dispersed over our continents with sightings increasing in duration. The intent of these interventions is to increase mankind’s acceptance of the alien phenomena, so that hopefully, we will be prepared to accept a face-to-face encounter and communicate, perhaps as early as next year (2011).
Quellen: (Archiv-Version vom 08.12.2010)