@Hollie Es gibt sooo viel skurrilles dass mich zum lachen und kopfschütteln zugleich brachte, dass Ernst gemeint ist.Mein absoluter Favorit ist immer noch der UFO-Detektor ,denn "amazon" bietet schon einiges witziges:

$149.95 (UfO Detektor Vers.2 ist noch besser^^)
What Do Customers Ultimately Buy After Viewing This Item?

Uranium Ore,$39.95
Der Oberhammer sind aber die Reviews!.....ein Auszug:
"After my first abduction I sought out to arm myself with something that would prevent this from happening to me again. Alas, the UFO Detector.
Since then my microwave, TV, radio, and cellphone have been causing the device to alarm several times, sending me in a state of panic where I'd hide under my bed for days. Next time it went off it was no false alarm. And I was, again, on board an alien vessle with probes hanging from every opening of my body."
"I'd guess that for this "Detector" to work you'd need to be in an environment free from all electrical interferences. Above all, I DO NOT recommend this product." gab nur einen Stern
:)"My theory is that the company sellin this thing "Images SI Inc" is run by hoorny aliens. This here UFO-01 is like a Martian's daterape drug.....So in a way, them aliens running "Images SI Inc" are intergalactive prostotutes."
"I agree with the other reviewers that the newer UFO-02 is better, though"
"I read that Aliens like to do Anal probes so I thought if I hid this in my Bum I could detect them before the got me."
"This product saved my marriage, I also ordered the firmware re-programming kit, and with a few effort and basic programming skills, I use it to detect when my mother in law takes a plane in a 5.000 miles ratio to come visit us, so I can leave the house quickly and run in a oposite direction."
:Dhttp://www.amazon.com/Images-SI-Inc-UFO-01-Detector/dp/B000796XYQPS:Ich hoffe dieser Thread trägt aber nicht dazu bei die ganze Thematik ins lächerliche zu ziehen d.h. plädiere ich bitte für Differenzierung....